Vexatious or repeated Freedom of Information requests

If Southampton City Council considers that a Freedom of Information request is likely to cause a disproportionate or unjustifiable level of distress, disruption or irritation to respond, it will be considered vexatious.

As such, the Freedom of Information Act states that we do not have to comply with any part of it, or even confirm or deny whether we hold the information requested.

You will, however, be advised when we have made the decision that your request is considered to be vexatious.

Southampton City Council can also refuse requests if they are repeated, whether or not they are also vexatious. We will normally refuse to comply with a request if it is identical or substantially similar to one we previously complied with from the same requester.

However, if a reasonable period has passed between requests, your request will not be refused. This will depend on the circumstances, including, how often the information we hold changes.

For further information you can contact us