Drug and alcohol advice

If you are worried about your, or someone else's, use of drugs and/or alcohol, help is at hand.

Help for adults (25 years and older)

Drug and alcohol support services for adults are available both locally and nationally.

Local services for adults SHOW

National services for adults SHOW

Help for young people (24 years and younger)

People drink alcohol for all sorts of reasons. Many people enjoy alcohol and most of the time it is not a problem. But drinking heavily can damage your health, especially if you’re a young person.

Besides damaging the liver, heart and brain, drinking can lead to loss of appetite, vitamin deficiencies, stomach ailments, skin problems, sexual problems and memory loss.

After drinking too much, people are more likely to have an accident, become involved in a fight or have unsafe sex. These are all unnecessary risks.

How do you know if you are drinking too much? You can use the unit calculator below.

Youth Advice workers at No Limits who are trained in working on alcohol issues can offer advice and support through its No Limits advice centre. Free condoms, pregnancy tests, C Cards and Chlamydia tests are available at all these venues over 65 hours a week, and they can refer to the Treatment Team for those with significant problems.

Local services for young people SHOW

National services for young people SHOW