Initial Demolition Notice (IDN) at Townhill Park

All Council tenants who live within the Townhill Park Regeneration area and are directly affected by the demolition programme will have received a formal Initial Demolition Notice (IDN).

The Council has gained approval from the Secretary of State to serve this IDN on the properties originally identified and still requiring demolition. There are no new addresses affected by this IDN.

Demolition Notices are issued in two stages:

Initial Demolition Notices (IDN) are issued to tenants when the Council has proposals to regenerate an area and the plan requires some homes to be demolished but has not yet established when this will happen. These notices can last up to seven years, it does not mean that demolition work is about to start.

Final Demolition Notices are issued to tenants when planning permission has been granted and the Council has set a date for the demolition to happen. No demolition can happen until this Notice is issued. These notices last for two years.

View the Initial Demolition Notice (IDN)

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the Council serving an Initial Demolition Notice (IDN)? SHOW

What if I have applied for the Right to Buy my home? SHOW

What if I want to apply for the Right to Buy my home? SHOW

How does an Initial Demolition Notice (IDN) affect me? SHOW

How is my Right to Buy affected by moving to another home? SHOW

What happens if the Council decide not to proceed with the demolition or changes its mind about including my home in the regeneration plans? SHOW

When will I know when I need to move? SHOW

What support will the Council offer during the decommissioning process? SHOW