Tenant events

Tenant event image

We would love to see you at some of our Tenant Engagement events.

Keep an eye out on our Facebook and Twitter pages for lots of our events or sign up to our Tenant Sounding Board so you’ll get an invite when new events are announced.

For most of our panels you are welcome to attend a taster session without committing yourself, to see if it feels a good fit for you.

If you don’t feel ready to become involved, we have many courses available to boost your confidence and give you the skills you need. Check out our training page to see if there is a course for you.

Estate inspections and walkabouts

Estate inspections and walkabouts give our tenants a chance to accompany housing and other staff walking around their estate, identifying problems and monitoring the service.

The inspections and walkabouts are an important tool in ensuring estates are well maintained and identifying improvements tenants and leaseholders want to see.

The diversity calendar

The diversity calendar is produced by our Stronger Community Engagement Team, by our Tenant Engagement Officers. The calendar has information on national, international, UN, faith and fun days and it might help you decide when to hold an event.

View the diversity calendar.

For more information please contact: tenant.engagement@southampton.gov.uk