Decision details

Connected Southampton Transport Strategy (LTP4) Implementation Plan 2022-2024

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Report of the Cabinet Member for Growth detailing for approval the Connected Southampton Transport Strategy Implementation Plan 2022-2024.


(i)  To note that minor changes are being made to the main LTP in accordance with delegated authority granted at Council in 2019, and in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Growth.

(ii)  To consider and recommend that the proposed Connected Southampton Transport Strategy (LTP) Implementation Plan (2022-2025) is approved.

(iii)  To authorise the Head of Service for Green City & Infrastructure, in conjunction with Cabinet Member for Growth, to make minor amendments to the Implementation Plan before publication.

Reasons for the decision:

Southampton City Council (SCC) as the Local Transport Authority (LTA) has a statutory duty to prepare and publish a long-term transport strategy (also known as a Local Transport Plan) and a supporting plan setting out how it will deliver its strategy (the Implementation Plan). The Council’s fourth Local Transport Plan (LTP) and a three-year Implementation Plan spanning 2019 to 2021 were adopted as Council policy in March 2019. It does not currently have an Implementation Plan.


Preparing a new Implementation Plan will enable the Council to set out its transport priorities for the coming three-year period, in accordance with the policies contained in the overarching LTP, and medium to longer-term aspirations. The Implementation Plan also provides the Council with an opportunity to acknowledge new strategies and guidance published by Central Government within the LTP, including the national Decarbonisation Plan, Gear Change (national cycling & walking strategy), and Bus Back Better (national bus strategy). Indications from the Department for Transport suggest that future funding will be aligned to the outcomes set out in the new strategies and guidance, such as the above.

Alternative options considered:

A review of the current LTP took place over three workshops held with the Cabinet Member for Growth and the Cabinet Member for Customer Services and Transformation, in September and October 2021. The workshops included a review of existing policies set out in the LTP and a discussion on new local priorities, including future aspirations for growth within the City Centre, improved transport connectivity through the delivery of a Mass Transit System, and the continued delivery of Active Travel Zones and new residential 20mph streets. 


Officers presented three options to Cabinet Members for the renewal or update of the LTP:

1.  Do nothing - do not update the LTP or publish an Implementation Plan;

2.  Produce an Implementation Plan, make minor changes to the LTP, and develop further strategies and plans supporting the LTP; and

3.  Prepare a new LTP for Southampton and a supporting Implementation Plan.

Do nothing (Option 1) was rejected due to SCC having a statutory duty to prepare and publish an Implementation Plan under the Transport Act 2000, and as amended by the Local Transport Act 2008. There was also a risk that not producing an Implementation Plan could have a detrimental impact on the Council’s ability to secure future funding if national priorities were not reflected in local policy documents.

Preparing and publishing a new Implementation Plan (Option 2), alongside making minor changes to the main LTP and developing further supporting plans and strategies, was considered the preferred approach as it enables new and emerging priorities to be incorporated into the LTP in a more-timely manner. This approach also ensures the Council meets its duty to prepare and publish an Implementation Plan and that it is in a good position to bid for new and anticipated funding streams that are expected to be aligned to new Central Government priorities.

Preparing a new LTP (Option 3) was ruled out as the core policies contained in the existing LTP remain relevant. Furthermore, the preparation of an Implementation Plan and the development of a pipeline of new transport strategies and plans provides SCC with the opportunity to reflect new and emerging priorities in a more efficient way. The preparation of a new LTP was also considered resource intensive as it would have taken around two years to complete and would have required additional officer resource to enable existing programmes to remain on-track. During this time, SCC’s ability to secure future funding aligned to new national priorities may have been impacted. 

Report author: Emma Baker

Publication date: 14/03/2022

Date of decision: 14/03/2022

Decided at meeting: 14/03/2022 - Cabinet

Effective from: 23/03/2022

Accompanying Documents: