Decision details

*Platform for Prosperity - Mayflower Park Disposal of Public Open

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider a report of the Cabinet member for Resources seeking approval for  the advertising of the Councils intention to dispose of a section of land within Mayflower Park for the development of a new access road as part of the Platform to Prosperity Road Scheme. To delegate authority to the Director of Place to consider any objections recieved.


(i)  To delegate authority to the Interim Director of Environment & Economy following consultation with the Platform Road Client Manager to determine the form and extent of the two areas of Mayflower Park required within the final design for the formation of a footway on Town Quay and a new Dock Gate 7 access road.

(ii)  To authorise the Head of Legal HR & Democratic Services to advertise the proposed appropriation and the proposed disposal of part of land at Mayflower Park for two consecutive weeks in a local newspaper circulating in the locality.

(iii)  To delegate Authority to the Interim Director of Environment & Economy following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport to determine any objections received from the adverts and to make a final decision as to whether or not to approve the appropriation and the disposal and in light of any such objections.

Reasons for the decision:

  1. The Cabinet report presented on 17 July 2012 identified an outline design for the road scheme.  The City Council has secured additional Regional Growth funding enabling an expansion of the scope of the project.  The road scheme now includes the dualling (conversion to dual carriageway) of Town Quay in both directions between the High Street junction to the De Vere Roundabout.  The detailed design has highlighted the need to provide a footway on the south side and this can only be achieved by utilising a very small slither of Mayflower Park, with a proportion of the existing footway being developed for the wider carriageway.  In addition following a review of vehicle movements to and from Dock Gate 7 (Red Funnel berth) the existing access to the Dock Gate requires redesigning to address conflicts between pedestrians and vehicle movements and to improve traffic flows into the Dock Gate.  This requires the development of a section of Mayflower Park to form a new access road, which will be subsequently disposed of to ABP as part of the Port Estate.  As the sections of land are public open space, it’s proposed the appropriation and disposal are to be advertised and objections considered.
  2. Without this land the road improvement scheme cannot progress as planned, which will result in the loss of Government funding from Regional Growth Fund and reduced benefits from the highways improvements being carried out in the area for the public benefit.

Alternative options considered:

  1. Continue with road layout and access arrangements into Dock Gate 7 – Rejected as the pinch points on Town Quay can not be removed other than by widening the carriageway.
  2. Widen the carriageway by utilising land on the north side – Rejected the buildings on the north side of Town Quay are all subject to varying forms of  Heritage protection, either being Listed or Scheduled Ancient Monuments.  A sufficient land take would have a detrimental impact which would not be acceptable and receive the appropriate approvals.

Other Relevant Matters Concerning the Decision:


Report author: Ali Mew

Publication date: 17/09/2013

Date of decision: 17/09/2013

Decided at meeting: 17/09/2013 - Cabinet

Effective from: 25/09/2013

Accompanying Documents: