Decision details

Mayflower Park - Spitfire Memorial Disposal of Public Open Space

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the report of the Leader of the Council seeking approval to delegated authority to relevant officers to agree the final terms and conditions of a lease of land to provide land for the provision of the Spitfire Memorial within Mayflower Park.  In addition to seek approval to commence consultation for the disposal of public open space to advertise the Disposal of Public Open Space, once the area is determined and the consultation with key groups has been completed. 


To seek authority to delegate authority to relevant officers to consider any objections received and to agree the final terms and conditions of the lease to be granted. 


(i)  To delegate authority to the Director, Place following consultation with the Head of Economic Development and Housing Renewal to determine the form and extent of the area of Mayflower Park required within the final location for the formation of the installation.

(ii)  To authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to advertise the proposed disposal of part of Mayflower Park for two consecutive weeks in a local newspaper circulating in the locality.

(iii)  To delegate Authority to Director, Place following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources and Leisure to determine any objections received from the adverts and to make a final decision as to whether or not to approve the disposal in light of any such objections.

(iv)  To approve the terms of the disposal as set out within the report and to delegate authority to the Head of Economic Development and Housing Renewal to agree final terms with the National Spitfire Project.

(v)  To approve the acquisition of a small section of Crown Estate land (seabed), which will be subject to the overhang of the memorial and to delegate authority to Head of Economic Development and  Housing Renewal to agree final terms for the acquisition.

Reasons for the decision:

1.  The National Spitfire Project have secured Full Planning Consent for the installation of a Spitfire Memorial.  The planning consent is for the installation to be erected within Mayflower Park on the Solent edge of the park with a small proportion of the structure overhanging the waterfront.  The design is shown in Appendix 1.

2.  The Council recognises that the National Spitfire Project requires certainty over the siting of the installation in advance of commencing fund raising.  This report enables the Council to progress with agreeing the final location of the memorial, advertising the disposal and agreeing terms.  These actions will provide the Charity the certainty required to fund raise.

3.  The design provides for an overhang over the water which is within the ownership of the Crown Estate.  The acquisition enables the Council to grant a single lease over the land upon which the memorial will be sited including the overhang, this removes the necessity for two leases to be granted for this single installation.

Alternative options considered:

1.  Refuse the Charity’s request to install the Memorial within the grounds of Mayflower Park, this has been rejected as the Park is seen as a highly suitable location in relation to the Royal Pier development and in improving access to the waterfront whilst enhancing the parks overall appeal.

2.  Delay the matter until Royal Pier has progressed for the installation of the memorial.  This has been rejected as the Charity need sufficient time to secure funding for the construction and installation of the Memorial and to be certain the project has the necessary consents and approvals in place for its location.

Other Relevant Matters Concerning the Decision:


Report author: Ali Mew

Publication date: 21/04/2015

Date of decision: 21/04/2015

Decided at meeting: 21/04/2015 - Cabinet

Effective from: 30/04/2015

Accompanying Documents: