Issue - meetings

Review of Prudential Limits and Treasury Management Outturn 2018/19

Meeting: 10/06/2019 - Governance Committee (Item 5)

5 Review of Prudential Limits and Treasury Management Outturn 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 172 KB

To consider the report of the Interim Services Director Finance and Commercialism detailing the review of Prudential Limits and Treasury Management Outturn 2018/19, attached.

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The Committee considered the report of the Interim Service Director of Finance and Commercialisation detailing the review of Prudential Limits and Treasury Management Outturn 2018/19.  The Committee also noted that a provisional date for Mandatory Treasury Management for all Elected Members was being sought with Arling Close who were the Local Authority’s Treasury Management Advisors.



(i)  That the Treasury Management (TM) activities for 2018/19 and the outturn on the Prudential Indicators be noted;

(ii)  That the continued proactive approach to TM had led to reductions in borrowing costs and safeguarded investment income during the year be noted;

(iii)  That the delegated authority to the S151 Officer to make any future changes which benefited the authority and to report back at the next Treasury update be continued;

(iv)  That due to the timing of this report, changes may still be required following the finalisation of capital and revenue budgets and therefore any significant changes to this report would be highlighted in the final version that was presented to Full Council.