Issue - meetings

Statement from Chair

Meeting: 23/01/2020 - Children and Families Scrutiny Panel (Item 25)

Statement from the Chair


The Chair referred to the recent Ofsted Inspection of Children’s Services and invited Councillor Paffey, the Cabinet Member for Aspiration, Children and Lifelong Learning and Hillary Brooks, Executive Director – Children’s Services, to address the panel


The panel noted the following:

  • That the overall judgement of this Ofsted Inspection was that the service required improvement, with a few areas that were judged overall as good.
  • There were no areas that were judged to be inadequate.
  • The Ofsted Inspection recognised that Children and Families Services had made significant progress in the delivery of services for children.
  • The Ofsted Inspection found that children and families were receiving a prompt and proportionate response. 
  • The Ofsted Inspection report noted that there had been substantial improvement to services for Care Leavers, schools were held effectively to account for the impact of their work and that there was energy in corporate parenting roles.
  • The Ofsted Inspection identified that the service needed to build longer term uninterrupted relationships with children as plans progressed, and to make sure all children got the right help quickly through improvement in the assessment of the effectiveness and impact of front line services.
  • Children and Families Services had begun work on an improvement plan to make all services good or outstanding.


The Chair expressed thanks to all the front line staff for their work to help keep all our children safe.


RESOLVED that a formal report on the Ofsted Inspection of Children and Families Services and the response from the Children and Families Service would be included in the agenda of the next meeting of the Panel.