Issue - meetings

Forward Plan

Meeting: 14/07/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee (Item 6)

6 Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 215 KB

Report of the Director, Legal and Business Services enabling the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to examine the content of the Forward Plan and to discuss issues of interest or concern with the Executive.

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The Committee consideredthe report of Director, Legal and Business Services enabling the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to examine the content of the Forward Plan and to discuss issues of interest or concern with the Executive.


The Committee considered the briefing paper attached to this item detailing the forthcoming Cabinet Decision.  Councillor Fielker- Cabinet Member for Health, Adults and Leisure, Paul Paskins - Head of Supplier Management, Becky Wilkinson - Public Health Consultant and a number of community representatives were present and, with the consent of the Chair address the meeting.


The Chair moved that the Committee request that the Cabinet Decision is delayed in order to enable full financial modelling to be undertaken and success metrics to be developed. Upon being put to the vote this motion was passed on a recorded vote


RECORDED VOTE to support the Motion by the Chair to delay the opening. 

FOR:  Councillors Fuller, Houghton Guthrie and Stead

AGAINST:  Councillors Cooper, Furnell and Shields


The Committee unanimously agreed the remaining recommendations (ii-iv) as set out below.


Resolved: that the Committee requested that:

(i)  to enable value for money to be demonstrated, Cabinet postpones the scheduled decision on the re-opening of St Mary’s Leisure Centre to enable full financial modelling to be undertaken and success metrics to be developed.

(ii)  irrespective of Cabinet agreeing to postpone the decision to re-open St Mary’s Leisure Centre, success metrics for the initiative are developed and performance against the key indicators, including user numbers, is reported to the Committee after 6 and 12 months of the centre re-opening.

(iii)  the Administration gives due consideration to the potential impact on the viability of other community venues across the City when developing the future activity programme at St Mary’s Leisure Centre.

(iv)  the Committee are provided with information detailing how much of the Council’s repairs and maintenance budget has not been committed for 2022/23.