Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary Budget, Council - Wednesday, 6th March, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Judy Cordell and Claire Heather  023 8083 2766/2412

Link: link to meeting

No. Item



To receive any apologies.


It was noted that apologies had been received from Councillors, Chapman, J Baillie, Moulton, Rayment, Webb and Windle.


Announcements from the Lord Mayor and Leader

Matters especially brought forward by the Lord Mayor and the Leader.




The Lord Mayor announced that the meeting is being live streamed and will also be available for members of the public to view online after the meeting.  For any member of the public filming the right to film is limited to the duration of the meeting and recording must cease when I close the meeting. Filming or recording is not permitted if the effect would be to interrupt or disturb the proceedings or if it is intrusive of a specific individual or individuals.  If this is occurring, it would not be permitted, and would be asked to stop. Similarly, some members of the public attending the meeting may object to being filmed, photographed or recorded and would expect that these wishes are complied with.




The Lord Mayor announced with great pleasure the success of the Lord Mayor’s Ball which recently took place and raised twelve thousand pounds.  The Lord Mayor thanked everyone who helped to make it such a great event.

The Lord Mayor with great pleasure also announced the forthcoming dance event on 18th March at the O2 Guildhall, tickets were available at the box office.   



Deputations, Petitions and Public Questions

To receive any requests for Deputations, Presentation of Petitions or Public Questions.


The Council received and noted a deputation from Nadia Ditta, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition – Annual Budget.


The 2024/25 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 677 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change detailing the 2024/25 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy.


Additional documents:


Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change detailing the 2024/25 Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy for 2024/25 to 2027/28. The report provided detail to inform Council in setting the council tax charge for 2024/25. A report setting out the Capital Strategy, Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy, and details of the General Fund capital programme for

2023/24 to 2028/29 was considered elsewhere on this agenda. The council’s financial position is such that the budget setting process for 2024/25 had

been considerably more challenging than previous years, including during those under austerity and funding reductions. The council faces significant financial challenges to deliver a balanced budget. This included limited revenue reserves, ongoing financial pressures, especially in children’s services and adult social care, and the continuing impact of inflation and interest rates.


The 2023/24 budget was balanced by a reliance on revenue reserves (£20.6M). In addition, sizable new budget pressures and increases to existing pressures have emerged during 2023/24. A combination of limited remaining reserves and high pressures has led to an underlying structural budget deficit in-year that is projected to continue into future years.  It is against this backdrop that budget proposals for 2024/25 were presented. Despite

considerable progress during 2023/24 in identifying measures to reduce expenditure and identify savings, a shortfall remains between the predicted level of spend and the council’s funding available. A balanced budget for 2024/25 is only achieved with Exceptional Financial Support (EFS) from the government. This support would be in the form of a capitalisation direction, which would allow the council to use capital resources to meet revenue expenditure in 2024/25. Without this support the council would almost certainly have been facing a Section 114 notice.


The recommendations therein, were moved by Councillor Letts and seconded by Councillor Finn.


The Council agreed to suspend Council Procedure Rules 14.2, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 14.9 and 16.2:-


(i)  to enable any amendments to be proposed, seconded and considered at the same time;

(ii)  to enable any amendment to be re-introduced later into the meeting; and

(iii)  to revise the time allowed for speakers as follows:-


Movers of motions - 20 minutes

Seconders - 10 minutes

Green Party/Independent Members – 5 minutes

Honorary Alderman - 5 minutes

Right of Reply (Executive only) – 10 minutes







(i)  That the revised Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for the period 2024/25 to 2027/28 as set out in Table 1 and Appendix 1 be approved.

(ii)  That the 2024/25 General Fund Revenue Budget as set out in Table 2 and Appendices 1 and 2 be approved.

(iii)  That an increase in the ‘core’ council tax of 2.99% and an increase in the Adult Social Care precept of 2.00%, allowable under general powers to increase council tax without a referendum be approved.

(iv)  That additional General Fund pressures totalling £42.03M in 2024/25, increasing to £51.21M in 2027/28, as detailed in paragraph 33 be approved.

(v)  That the new commitments totalling £0.86M in 2024/25, increasing to £4.89M in 2027/28, as detailed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65.


Exclusion of the Press and Public - Exempt Papers included in the following Item

To move that in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, specifically the Access to Information Procedure Rules contained within the Constitution, the press and public be excluded from the meeting in respect of any consideration of the exempt appendix to the following Item.

Appendix 9 is exempt from publication by virtue of category 3 of rule 10.4 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules i.e. information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person. In applying the public interest test this information has been deemed exempt from the publication due to confidential sensitivity. It is not considered to be in the public interest to disclose this information as it would reveal information which would put the Council at a commercial disadvantageand prejudice the Council’s ability to achieve best value.



Lord Mayor moved in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, specifically the Access to Information Procedure Rules contained within the Constitution, the press and public be excluded from the meeting in respect of any consideration of the exempt Appendix 9 to the following Item.


Appendix 9 is exempt from publication by virtue of category 3 of rule 10.4 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules i.e. information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person. It is not in the public interest to disclose this information due to an ongoing commercial dispute which is subject to a protected alternative dispute resolution procedure. If the information was disclosed then the Council’s financial position would be available to other parties to the dispute and prejudice the Council’s ability to achieve best value.


The General Fund Capital Programme 2023/24 to 2028/29 pdf icon PDF 736 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change detailing the General Fund Capital Programme 2023/24 to 2028/29.


Additional documents:


Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change detailing the General Fund Capital Programme 2023/24 to 2028/29. The report set out for Council significant changes in the overall General Fund (GF) Capital Programme for the period of 2023/24 to 2028/29. This included highlighting the changes in the programme since the last reported position to Cabinet in February 2024.

The net result of the changes since the previous report was an increase to the General Fund programme of £29.12M.  The capital budget proposals put forward in this report reflected the anticipated needs of the Council over the next five years. This provided certainty about future funding and

enabled capital spending to be prioritised including to deliver purposeful investment alongside service and council priorities.


The recommendations therein, were moved by Councillor Letts and seconded by Councillor Fielker.


The Council agreed to suspend Council Procedure Rules 14.2, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 14.9 and 16.2:-


(i)  to enable any amendments to be proposed, seconded and considered at the same time;

(ii)  to enable any amendment to be re-introduced later into the meeting; and

(iii)  to revise the time allowed for speakers as follows:-


Movers of motions - 20 minutes

Seconders - 10 minutes

Green Party/Independent Members – 5 minutes

Honorary Alderman - 5 minutes

Right of Reply (Executive only) – 10 minutes




(i)  That the Council’s Capital Strategy detailed in Appendix 1 be approved.

(ii)  That the Council’s MRP Strategy detailed in Appendix 2 be approved and delegate authority to the Executive Director for Corporate Services (S151 Officer) to make any changes required following the outcome of the consultation on changes to the statutory guidance and regulations: Minimum Revenue Provision.

(iii)  That the Council’s Non-Treasury Investment Strategy detailed in Appendix 3 be approved.

(iv)  That the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy detailed in

    Appendix 4 be approved.

(v)  That the Council’s Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy

    detailed in Appendix 5 be approved.

(vi)  That the revised fully funded General Fund Capital Programme,

    which totals £264.81M (as detailed in paragraphs 18 to 21) and the

    associated use of resources be approved.

(vii)  That the addition and spend of £31.09M which has been added to the General Fund programme be approved. These additions are detailed in paragraphs 24 to 48 and Appendix 7.

(viii)  That the removal of schemes from the capital programme totalling £2.18M, set out in paragraphs 40 and 48 and detailed in Appendix 7 be approved.

(ix)  That the spend of £39.66M for the SEND Expansion Programme, as set out in paragraph 32 be approved.

(x)  Approve the spend of £27.03M for the Outdoor Sports Centre, as set out in paragraph 37.

(xi)  To delegate authority to the Executive Director for Place

    following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities    and Leisure, Executive Director for Corporate Services (S151     Officer), Head of Supplier Management Services and Head of       Corporate Estate and Assets to conclude all necessary      negotiations on the Football Foundation Grant Terms and       Conditions be approved.

(xii)  To delegate authority  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67.