Agenda and minutes

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) - Monday, 23rd November, 2015 4.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room 4 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Sue Lawrence  023 8083 3569

No. Item


Welcome, Apologies and Changes Of Membership

To receive any apologies and changes to membership.



Apologies were received from:

Group A - Margaret Blake, Priti Dave

Group B - Richard Wharton

Group C - Julian Waterfield

Group D – Councillors Edward Daunt and Warwick Payne


It was noted that Liz Mizon had resigned from the SACRE due to ill-health.  The Chair, on behalf of the SACRE, expressed thanks for Liz’s past time and work for the SACRE.


Minutes of the Last Meeting including Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 14th September 2015, attached.



RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 14th September 2015 be agreed as a correct record.



Funding Bids

Verbal update from Alison Philpott with particular regard to the grant application to Culham St Gabriel's.



The SACRE received a verbal update from Alison Philpott with particular regard to the grant application to Culham St Gabriel's.


It was reported that the bid had been submitted on time and included funding for the ‘Increasing Respect of Difference’ film / roadshow project to tour Southampton schools outlined to and agreed by members at the previous meeting.


The limited feedback from the failed Westhill Award scheme bid had been used to advise this bid.  No feedback or result had been received at this time.


Alison Philpott reported that a meeting had taken place with the Head of Film Studies at Solent University who had agreed to work on a series of short films without funding if necessary, with the aim of these being ready for around September next year. Further work on this would form part of the Action Plan.


Action Plan pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To consider the draft Action Plan for Southampton SACRE as produced by the working group, and to allocate roles and responsibilities, attached.


The SACRE considered the draft Action Plan for the Southampton SACRE with a view to the allocation of further roles and responsibilities and reviewing progress so far.


The draft plan consisted of seven main action headings with a lead person for each.  Some of these lead roles had still to be allocated and were agreed at the meeting. The SACRE considered the actions in greater detail with an update on progress provided under each working sub-group heading where available – the draft Advice Document, Film Project etc.


With regard to the Film Project – it was reported that a meeting had taken place with the Head of Film Studies at Solent University who had offered to work on a series of short films, without funding if necessary, with the aim of these being ready for around summer next year with a launch alongside the Agreed Syllabus and the Roadshow previously discussed by the SACRE.  There was the potential for seven short (15-20 minute) films.  In order to facilitate the film production it would be necessary to work on the brief as soon as possible.  Following discussion, it was proposed that:

·  the films be pitched at the different school levels

·  each film be a standalone resource for the Roadshow / Collective Worship / RE lesson

·  the films support the Agreed Syllabus – particularly with regard to Respect of Difference and a message of hope for each religion which was suggested as a possible theme for one of the films

·  a working group led by Chris Davis work on the Roadshow and Film Project and that all SACRE members be invited to join the group via email – this would then include members unable to attend the main meeting who might be interested in contributing.


It was agreed that there be a preliminary brainstorming session / meeting of the Roadshow working group on 17th December at Highfield Junior School.


With regard to development of the SACRE web site – Alison would liaise with David Vane to progress with a view to it including the Agreed Syllabus and other resources and links.  At the meeting with Solent University it had been suggested that a U-Tube Channel might also be possible.


It was agreed that the Action Plan and working groups be given further consideration at the next meeting in January and that an email inviting wider participation from the SACRE be invited.


The main meeting was followed by a brief meeting of the Monitoring Working Group where further dates for school visits were agreed.



Feedback on Events

To receive feedback and updates from members of the SACRE on any events or training attended.



The SACRE received feedback and updates from members of the SACRE on events or training attended.


Elizabeth Jenkerson had attended the recent meeting of the RE Council.



Feedback from Advice Document working group

Verbal update from the Advice Document working group regarding the consultation and resulting draft document for schools for discussion and comment from members.


The SACRE received a verbal update regarding the progress on the development of an advice document from SACRE to advise the LA regarding issues that schools may face with incidents/questions/concerns linked to faith and / or cultural issues.


It was reported that the group had met twice so far (on 2 October and 6 November) and that membership, other than the main SACRE faith groups (Jackie Meering, Anas al Korj, Priti Dave, Elizabeth Jenkerson, Allan King, Harmeet Singh-Brar, David Vane, Julian Waterfield) was led by Alison Philpott – Professional Advisor to SACRE and included representatives from SCC Pupil Services, the ASC Writing Group and schools.


The SACRE was informed that a productive consultation had been carried out involving faith groups and schools in the City, including through Southampton Council of Faiths.  However, the Muslim Council of Southampton had requested an extension to the time for responses to enable a wider consultation with Muslim groups which was being given in order to ensure increase the opportunity for a wider range of feedback and hopefully greater commitment to the document and its concept.


A draft document and the feedback received had been passed to SCC, Corporate Legal Services for comment.  Further feedback was invited to be sent direct to Alison for consideration at the next meeting of the group which had been agreed for 10 December at St Anne’s School, where the advice would be further developed following the legal and other feedback received.  It was hoped that a final version would be ready to present to the Local Authority in February next year.



Feedback from Monitoring Working Group

Standing agenda item – verbal update on school visits undertaken to monitor practice regarding RE and collective worship.


Alison Philpott provided a verbal update on school visits undertaken by the sub-group to monitor practice regarding RE and collective worship in schools in the City.


A schedule of visits had been agreed but this would be further facilitated by increasing the membership for the sub-group.  Anyone interested was invited to contact Alison direct.


ID cards had been arranged for the group to present when on a school visit – it was anticipated that two members of the group would join with Alison on each visit.


It was reported that whilst academies had been contacted none of them had responded – however as the visits increased it was hoped that they would become valued and thus take-up would increase.


Further updates would be provided at future meetings of the SACRE.


Agreed Syllabus Working Group

Verbal update on the review of the Agreed Syllabus.


There was little to report on for this item regarding the review of the Agreed Syllabus for Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton, (and possibly the Isle of Wight) other than that three writing days which formed part of the series of Review Group and Writing Group meetings were upcoming.


Ofsted Update

Verbal update from Alison Philpott regarding school inspections in the City this academic year.


The SACRE were informed by Alison Philpott that there has been just one Ofsted report to date of which detail was not currently in the public domain.  It was not known therefore whether RE / Collective Worship specifically featured in it.


RESOLVED that this item be deferred to a future meeting.



Places of Worship

Contributions are invited from members to update the record held on Places of Worship in the City.


A copy of the record of Places of Worship in the City was circulated to members at the meeting for their consideration and for updating purposes.  It was reiterated that updated information could be sent to the Clerk to the SACRE at any time.  The list was available for schools or any other interested party.



RE attainment in schools

Verbal update from Alison Philpott regarding RE GCSE results for schools in the City.


Due to lack of information available an update regarding RE GCSE results for schools in the City was not available.


RESOLVED that this item be deferred to a future meeting.



Dates for future meetings

To agree dates for future meetings.


The Clerk reported that SACRE members had been canvassed again regarding preferred days of the week and time for the meetings.  The preference for the great majority of members remained for Mondays at 4pm and following discussion it was agreed to keep with this practice for future dates.


It was agreed that the next meeting be held on 25th January 2016 at 4pm in the Civic Centre.


It was also agreed that a meeting be held at the end of June (subsequently arranged for Monday 27th June).