Agenda and minutes

Welfare Reforms: 1, Scrutiny Panel A - Thursday, 25th October, 2012 3.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room 3 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Natalie Noke  023 8083 3950

No. Item


Apologies And Changes In Panel Membership (If Any)

To note any changes in membership of the Panel made in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4.3.


The Panel noted that Councillor Kaur had been appointed as a new Member of the Panel to replace Councillor Thomas and that Councillor Parnell was in attendance as a nominated substitute for Councillor Claisse in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4.3.


Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

To appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair to the Scrutiny Panel for this Municipal Year.


RESOLVED that Councillor Kaur be elected as Chair and Councillor McEwing as Vice-Chair for the Municipal Year 2012/2013.


Welfare Reforms Inquiry Meeting 1: Key National and Local Changes pdf icon PDF 26 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Customer and Business Improvement, examining the impacts of the Welfare Reforms and outlines the national and local changes, attached.



Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Senior Manager, Customer and Business Improvement, which examined the impacts of the Welfare Reforms and outlined the national and local changes.


Cllr Letts, Cabinet Member for Resources was in attendance and outlined the key issues that the Panel needed to be aware of.  They were:-


  • Council Tax Benefit – there would be a reduction in the capital grant given to Councils as people of working age would no longer be entitled to 100% benefit.  They would be expected to pay at least 25%.  The impact on the Authority would be reduced income if people do not pay.
  • Housing Benefit and Under- Occupancy – rules would be introduced that would mean Housing Benefit would be reduced if the property lived in was under occupied.  Rules on the under-occupancy was not as simple as just having a spare room. This change will come in April 2013 and affects those in the social rented sector.
  • Universal Credit will change a very complex scheme.  Recipients of benefits would only receive one payment, which would include all of the elements that they were entitled to.  This would be paid monthly in arrears.  It would not be possible for housing benefits to be paid direct to landlords.  For Council tenants, Housing Benefit would no longer be able transferred direct within the Council.
  • The age of being able to claim for Local Housing Allowance  (private rented ) as a single person, for more than a room within a HMO has been raised from 25 years to 35 years.
  • The Social Fund will be abolished from April 2013.  Local authorities will receive funding for two years to develop local provision.


It was agreed that members of the Panel would be provided with more details relating to the rules regarding under-occupancy and how many Housing Benefit claimants would be affected.


The importance of ensuring that people were made aware of the changes was discussed.  It was noted that Gateway to a Better Future, a Southampton Connect project led by Job Centre Plus, had been raising awareness and that more would be done in the winter.  It was reported that other ways to publicise the changes was being looked at. 


Concerns were raised about the impact on disabled people, which were of working age that would be affected under the proposed scheme to replace Council Tax Benefit In April 2013.  The Panel asked to be made aware of any legal challenges against this and whether it was contrary to the Disability Discrimination Act.


The Panel then received a presentation from Bernadette Hagen from Jobcentre Plus.  She stated that there would be 16 changes to the national welfare benefits.


The hope was that the changes would mean that the entitlement to benefits would be easier to understand, which would prevent fraud and errors.  It would also support those people wanting to take up part time or temporary work but in the past were too concerned about their loss of benefit.


A major concern  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.