Agenda item


(a)  Councillor Letts to move:


Council notes with concern, proposals by the Southampton City CCG to temporarily suspend services at the Bitterne Walk-in Centre. 


The City Council registers alarm at the present crisis confronting the City’s healthcare system directly as a consequence of Government austerity policy.  A position made worse by the unnecessary reorganisation of the NHS a re-organisation which cost £16,000,000 in this city.


Council notes that this resource would have been enough to both keep the walk in centre open and improve community services to reduce hospital admissions.


Council calls upon its representatives to work with the CCG, Solent Healthcare and other care providers to create a more workable model for a modern, integrated primary care system which  enables patients – especially on the east side of the city – to see their GP at times when it is convenient to them including weekends and evenings.


Council calls on the CCG to keep the walk in centre open until a suitable out of hours GP based service can be delivered.


(b)  Councillor Pope to move:


Proposals under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to govern trade relations between the EU and USA are currently being negotiated. While TTIP offers the potential to unlock US markets for EU businesses, including those from Southampton, there are legitimate concerns from the public, NGOs, the GMB, Unite and Unison unions and other parts of civic society such as 38 Degrees.


These concerns include a lack of transparency in the negotiations, a lack of sufficient regulation, a lack of democracy in dispute resolution and challenges by private interests to Southampton City Council, national and supra-national governments (e.g. via Investor-State Dispute Settlement), threats to local public services and ethical procurement provided Southampton City Council, and TTIP easing the path to privatisation of the NHS from the Coalition Government such as the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


TTIP also threatens local Southampton businesses and residents from predatory companies that undermine employment rights, environmental rights and the benefits of their employment to Southampton residents.


Council therefore RESOLVES to call upon the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, and all South East MEPs, asking them to ensure that TTIP does not include an extension of ISDS and will not threaten the NHS, and to follow Shadow Health Minister Andy Burnham's example in stating publicly that they would protect the NHS from TTIP if an appropriate deal is not reached.


Council also RESOLVES to respond to the European Ombudsman Own-Initiative Inquiry on Transparency in TTIP, and any future similar public inquiry, outlining the above potential threats to this Council's ability to lead Southampton's communities with social, environmental, ethical and economic initiatives, and the threats to Southampton's local businesses and partners.


(c)  Councillor L Harris to move:


This Council endorses the original purpose and intent of the establishment of the Southampton Sports Centre and Golf Course, as enshrined in the following text:

“The provision of outdoor facilities for the benefit of all the residents of Southampton was the brainchild of Sir Sidney Kimber who proposed “to create for the present and future generations another civic centre – an outdoor sports and recreation centre - - large, central, compact, beautifully situated for the use of thousands of both sexes, young and old, robust and frail, rich and poor, for the provision of all known outdoor games, which centre is bound to promote health, enjoyment and happiness to untold numbers; and, as the years roll on and the population multiplies enormously, will prove to be one of the outstanding assets of a town and port destined for unrivalled supremacy.”

The Council urges the Executive to reject any non sport or leisure related proposals to develop land within the boundaries of the Sports Centre and Golf Course, regardless of whether it is currently accessible by members of the public.


(a)  Bitterne Walk-in Centre


With the consent of the meeting, Councillor Letts altered and moved his motion and Councillor Stevens seconded:


Alteration to include the words “the (now withdrawn)” in the first line of the motion.

First line of motion to read, “Council notes with concern, the (now withdrawn)…”


Altered motion to read:


“Council notes with concern, the (now withdrawn) proposals by the Southampton City CCG to temporarily suspend services at the Bitterne Walk-in Centre. 


The City Council registers alarm at the present crisis confronting the City’s healthcare system directly as a consequence of Government austerity policy. A position made worse by the unnecessary reorganisation of the NHS, a re-organisation which cost £16,000,000 in this City.


Council notes that this resource would have been enough to both keep the walk in centre open and improve community services to reduce hospital admissions.


Council calls upon its representatives to work with the CCG, Solent Healthcare and other care providers to create a more workable model for a modern, integrated primary care system which  enables patients – especially on the east side of the city – to see their GP at times when it is convenient to them including weekends and evenings.


Council calls on the CCG to keep the walk in centre open until a suitable out of hours GP based service can be delivered”.


Amendment moved by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor Moulton:


1st  Paragraph 1st Line after “concern” INSERT “(now withdrawn)”


DELETE 2nd Paragraph


DELETE 3rd Paragraph


4th  Paragraph 4th Line after “the City” – DELETE


to see their GP at times when it is convenient to them including weekends and evenings”


And REPLACE  with


to continue to have walk-in facilities such as those offered at the Minor Injuries Unit at the Royal South Hants Hospital”


DELETE 5th  Paragraph


The amended motion to read:


“Council notes with concern, the (now withdrawn) proposal by the Southampton City CCG to temporarily suspend services at the Bitterne Walk-in Centre.


Council calls upon its representatives to work with the CCG, Solent Healthcare and other care providers to create a more workable model for a modern, integrated primary care system which enables patients – especially on the east side of the City - to continue to have walk-in facilities such as those offered at the Minor Injuries Unit at the Royal South Hants Hospital”.






RESOLVED that the altered motion in the name of Councillor Letts be approved.


NOTE: Councillors Bogle,Thorpe, Lewzey and Shields declared personal interests in the above matter, in view of their respective status as a Governor at the UHS, NHS Foundation Trust, an employee of the NHS (non-City based Trust), a Governor of Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust and a Member of the CCG Board and Solent NHS Trust Council of Governors and remained in the meeting during the consideration of the matter.


(b)  Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)


Councillor Pope moved and Councillor Shields seconded:


“Proposals under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to govern trade relations between the EU and USA are currently being negotiated. While TTIP offers the potential to unlock US markets for EU businesses, including those from Southampton, there are legitimate concerns from the public, NGOs, the GMB, Unite and Unison unions and other parts of civic society such as 38 Degrees.


These concerns include a lack of transparency in the negotiations, a lack of sufficient regulation, a lack of democracy in dispute resolution and challenges by private interests to Southampton City Council, national and supra-national governments (e.g. via Investor-State Dispute Settlement), threats to local public services and ethical procurement provided Southampton City Council, and TTIP easing the path to privatisation of the NHS from the Coalition Government such as the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


TTIP also threatens local Southampton businesses and residents from predatory companies that undermine employment rights, environmental rights and the benefits of their employment to Southampton residents.


Council therefore RESOLVES to call upon the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, and all South East MEPs, asking them to ensure that TTIP does not include an extension of ISDS and will not threaten the NHS, and to follow Shadow Health Minister Andy Burnham's example in stating publicly that they would protect the NHS from TTIP if an appropriate deal is not reached.


Council also RESOLVES to respond to the European Ombudsman Own-Initiative Inquiry on Transparency in TTIP, and any future similar public inquiry, outlining the above potential threats to this Council's ability to lead Southampton's communities with social, environmental, ethical and economic initiatives, and the threats to Southampton's local businesses and partners”.




RESOLVED that the motion be approved.


(c)  Southampton Sports Centre and Golf Course


Councillor L Harris moved and Councillor Moulton seconded:


“This Council endorses the original purpose and intent of the establishment of the Southampton Sports Centre and Golf Course, as enshrined in the following text:

“The provision of outdoor facilities for the benefit of all the residents of Southampton was the brainchild of Sir Sidney Kimber who proposed “to create for the present and future generations another civic centre – an outdoor sports and recreation centre - large, central, compact, beautifully situated for the use of thousands of both sexes, young and old, robust and frail, rich and poor, for the provision of all known outdoor games, which centre is bound to promote health, enjoyment and happiness to untold numbers; and, as the years roll on and the population multiplies enormously, will prove to be one of the outstanding assets of a town and port destined for unrivalled supremacy.”

The Council urges the Executive to reject any non sport or leisure related proposals to develop land within the boundaries of the Sports Centre and Golf Course, regardless of whether it is currently accessible by members of the public”.


Amendment moved by Councillor Barnes-Andrews and seconded by Councillor Coombs:


DELETE paragraph 3


“The Council urges the Executive to reject any non sport or leisure related proposals to develop land within the boundaries of the Sports Centre and Golf Course, regardless of whether it is currently accessible by members of the public.”


and REPLACE with


The Council, therefore, welcomes opportunities presented for further development and enhancement of the Sports Centre and Golf Course that are broadly in keeping with the Sir Sidney Kimber’s original vision and which can confer lasting benefits for all Southampton residents”.


The amended motion to read:


“This Council endorses the original purpose and intent of the establishment of the Southampton Sports Centre and Golf Course, as enshrined in the following text:

“The provision of outdoor facilities for the benefit of all the residents of Southampton was the brainchild of Sir Sidney Kimber who proposed “to create for the present and future generations another civic centre – an outdoor sports and recreation centre - large, central, compact, beautifully situated for the use of thousands of both sexes, young and old, robust and frail, rich and poor, for the provision of all known outdoor games, which centre is bound to promote health, enjoyment and happiness to untold numbers; and, as the years roll on and the population multiplies enormously, will prove to be one of the outstanding assets of a town and port destined for unrivalled supremacy.”

The Council, therefore, welcomes opportunities presented for further development and enhancement of the Sports Centre and Golf Course that are broadly in keeping with the Sir Sidney Kimber’s original vision and which can confer lasting benefits for all Southampton residents”.






RESOLVED that the motion as amended be approved.


NOTE: Councillor Coombs declared a personal interest in the above matter, as a Member of the Southampton Athletic Club Committee and remained in the meeting during the consideration of the matter.