Agenda item

Land Adjacent to Garden Cottage, Bassett Wood Drive SO16 3PT 14/01688/FUL

Report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending the Panel approve the officer recommendation for refusal to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.


The Panel considered the report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending that the Panel approve the officer recommendation for refusal to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address. 


Erection of a four bedroom detached dwelling to the rear of the property.


Mr Wiles (Agent), Mr Darlington (North East Bassett Residents Association/objecting) and Ms Withers (local resident/objecting) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Panel recommended to officers that three suggested conditions be included as part of the Appeal.


RESOLVED to recommend refusal to the Planning Inspectorate for the reasons set out below and to recommend to the Planning Officer to add three suggested conditions to the Appeal, as set out below.


Reasons for Refusal


Highway safety


The introduction of a four bed dwelling, extra hardstanding and parking, would lead to an intensified use of the existing access onto Bassett Wood Drive and the track road leading to the application site. The access track road is currently unmade, narrow, poorly lit and, due to the lack of passing points for vehicles, would lead to conflicts resulting from vehicles having to reverse in order to pass each other. The insufficient sightlines around the bends due to the narrowness of the track, the poor lighting conditions and overgrown greenery exacerbates the unsuitability of the track.  In addition, there is no formal separation between vehicular and foot/cycle traffic leading to further issues of highway safety.  As a result the proposal results in a unsafe development in highway safety terms due to the poor access and therefore the development is considered contrary to saved policies SDP1(i), SDP4, SDP11 and TI2 of the City of Southampton Local Plan Review and Core Strategy policies CS18 and CS19 as supported by Section 5 of the Council's approved Residential Design Guide SPD (2006).


Section 106 Agreement to secure planning obligations


In the absence of a completed Section 106 legal agreement to support the development the application scheme fails to mitigate against its wider direct impacts in the following areas:


a) Failure to secure an appropriate scheme for private refuse collection to prevent issues of highway safety in line with policy SDP1(i) of the adopted LDF Core Strategy (2010) and CS13 and CS25 of the adopted LDF Core Strategy (2010) and section 9 of the Residential Design guide (2006).


b) Financial contribution towards the Solent Disturbance Mitigation Project (SDMP) or alternative provision to reduce impacts upon the Solent Special Protection Areas in accordance with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended).


Additional Suggested Conditions


Protection of the sewerage system

APPROVAL CONDITION - Surface / foul water drainage [Pre-commencement Condition]


No development approved by this permission shall commence until a scheme for the disposal of foul water and surface water drainage have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and no building shall be occupied unless and until all drainage works have been carried out in accordance with such details as approved by the Local Planning Authority and subsequently implemented and maintained for use for the life of the development.



To ensure satisfactory drainage provision for the area.


Sensitive lighting scheme

APPROVAL CONDITION - Lighting [Pre-Commencement Condition]


A written lighting scheme including light scatter diagram with relevant contours shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to implementation of the lighting scheme.  The scheme must be designed to prevent harm in terms of light spillage to adjacent Site of Important Nature Conservation (SINC).  The installation must be maintained in accordance with the agreed written scheme.



To protect the inhabitants of the adjacent Site of Important Nature Conservation (SINC).


Porous surface Treatment

APPROVAL CONDITION – Porous surface treatment [Pre-Commencement Condition]


Prior to commencement of the development hereby approved details of the proposed porous surface treatment of the proposed passing bay and visitor parking area shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved scheme shall be implemented and remain in perpetuity unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.



To protect the character of the area and to prevent surface run off.

Supporting documents: