Agenda item

Jurds Lake Car Park, Victoria Road - 15/00091/R3CFL

Report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending conditional approval be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.



The Panel considered the report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending conditional approval be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address. 


Change of use of part of car park to a ball park to include 3m high fencing, following temporary use planning ref 14/00527/R3CFL.


Jayne Perry (local residents / objecting), Sergeant Holmes (Police / supporting), Nick Yeats (applicant) and Councillors Hammond and Payne (ward councillors / objecting) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer reported that:


·  an additional 14 letters of support had been received from local residents and one from Spectrum Housing (part of the Centenary Quay development team).

  • A parking survey had been received from the applicants which showed a maximum of 10 spaces occupied in the car park.


The Panel noted that the parking provision had been revised up to 38 parking spaces (including three disabled spaces) and that this was an increase from 34 spaces (including six disabled spaces) approved under the temporary planning permission, and from 35 parking spaces submitted as part of the application.


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted for the amended application subject to the conditions in the report, and the amended and additional conditions set out below. 


Amended Conditions


3. APPROVAL CONDITION – Landscaping and Parking

The supplementary tree planting shown on plan ref: DWG3 and the amended parking layout with disabled access shown on plan ref: DWG2 and amended DWG5 (dated 5th March 2015) to be carried out prior to the first use of the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) or during the first planting season following the full completion of building works, whichever is sooner. The approved scheme implemented to be maintained for a minimum period of five years following its complete provision.


Any trees, shrubs, seeded or turfed areas which die, fail to establish, are removed or become damaged or diseased, within a period of five years from the date of planting to be replaced by the Developer in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. The Developer to be responsible for any replacements for a period of five years from the date of planting.


To improve the appearance of the site and enhance the character of the development in the interests of visual amenity, to ensure that the development makes a positive contribution to the local environment and, in accordance with the duty required of the Local Planning Authority by Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990


Additional Conditions


5.  APPROVAL CONDITION – Acoustic Fencing

No development to take place until a report, detailing the feasibility of erecting an acoustic barrier and/or alternative acoustic mitigation and management measures to support the Multi Use Games Area as approved, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Should an acoustic fence be feasible; details of its height, location and design to be provided prior to its installation and the fence erected in accordance with the agreed details before the MUGA is brought into use, and retained thereafter.


In the interests of residential amenity and visual appearance.


6.  APPROVAL CONDITION – Management Plan

The Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) as approved by the Panel is not to be brought into use until a management plan, detailing how the approved MUGA will be managed to prevent/minimise anti-social behaviour and activity after dark, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The MUGA to be managed in accordance with the agreed details.


In the interests of residential amenity.


RECORDED VOTE to grant planning permission:


FOR:  Councillors Fitzhenry, Lewzey, Mintoff and Tucker

ABSTAINED:  Councillor Hecks


Supporting documents: