Agenda item

Planning Application - 19/00838/OUT - Bitterne Church Office - Whites Road

Report of the Interim Head of Planning and Economic Development recommending that the Panel delegate approval in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Planning and Economic Development recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Outline application for the redevelopment of the site including 15 houses (4 x 4 bed and 6 x 3 bed in semi-detached pairs and 5 x 2 bed) with new access road and car parking following demolition of existing parish church hall and the removal of the existing bowling green and pavilion (layout and access only all other matters reserved) (departure from local plan) (amended description following amended plans).


Lois Lawn and Stuart Barnes (local residents/ objecting), Gareth Jenkins (agent), Reverend Tony Palmer (supporter) and Councillor Houghton (ward councillor) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting. In addition statements were received, circulated and noted from Caroline Dawkins, Wendy Hall, Sue Hamilton, Kathy Bush and Asley Gilroy. 


The presenting officer reported number of amendments to conditions and these are set out below.


Upon being put to the vote the Panel confirmed the Habitats Regulation Assessment.


The Panel then considered the recommendation to delegate authority to the Interim Head of Planning and Economic Development to grant planning permission. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried unanimously.



RESOLVED that the Panel:


  (i)  confirmed the Habitats Regulation Assessment set out in Appendix 1 of the report.

  (ii)  Delegated approval to the Interim Head of Planning and Economic Development to grant planning permission subject to any amendments set out below and the completion of a S.106 Legal Agreement to secure:

a.  Financial contributions towards site specific transport contributions for highway improvements in the vicinity of the site in line with Policy SDP4 of the City of Southampton Local Plan Review (as amended 2015), policies CS18 and CS25 of the adopted LDF Core Strategy (as amended 2015) and the adopted SPD relating to Planning Obligations (September 2013);

b.  Submission of a highway condition survey to ensure any damage to the adjacent highway network attributable to the build process is repaired by the developer.


c.  Submission of a construction traffic management plan to ensure that construction traffic causes minimal potential congestion on the local highway network.


d.  Provision of affordable housing in accordance with Policies CS15, CS16 & CS25 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Adopted Version (as amended 2015) and the adopted SPD relating to Planning Obligations (September 2013) including an Affordable Housing Viability Review Clause reflective of the DVS appraisal.


e.  Submission of a Training & Employment Management Plan committing to adopting local labour and employment initiatives, in accordance with Policies CS24 & CS25 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Adopted Version (as amended 2015) and the adopted SPD relating to Planning Obligations (September 2013).


f.  The submission, approval and implementation of a Carbon Management Plan setting out how the carbon neutrality will be achieved and/or how remaining carbon emissions from the development will be mitigated in accordance with policy CS20 of the Core Strategy and the Planning Obligations SPD (September 2013).


g.  Either a scheme of measures or a financial contribution to mitigate against the pressure on European designated nature conservation sites in accordance with Policy CS22 of the Core Strategy and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010.


h.  Provision of a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) to be managed through a community use agreement to mitigate against the loss of playing pitches (bowling green and ball court) on the site.


i.  A plan for tree replacement to mitigate the loss of trees in connection with the Development


 (iii)  In the event that the legal agreement is not completed within a reasonable period following the Panel meeting, the Interim Head of Planning and Economic Development be authorised to refuse permission on the ground of failure to secure the provisions of the Section 106 Legal Agreement.


 (iv)  That t the Interim Head of Planning and Economic Development be granted delegated powers to add, vary and /or delete relevant parts of the Section 106 agreement and/or conditions as necessary.



Additional conditions


36. Highway Design Further Details – (Pre-Commencement Condition)

Notwithstanding the approved plans detailed design of the pedestrian and vehicular access arrangement for the site; and in particular from Whites Road, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority prior to any works commencing on site. The details shall include either; refuse vehicle tracking and physical measures to prevent the likelihood of informal parking which would likely obstruct refuse collection vehicles from accessing refuse collection points and turning areas associated with all dwellings proposed on site; potentially amending the width of parts of the site access along with bollards and double yellow lines; or details securing private refuse collection for the site. Once agreed the development shall be carried out in accordance the agreed details prior to occupation and maintained throughout the lifetime of the development.

REASON: To secure details in the interests of highway safety and to provide suitable access arrangements for all vehicles (including refuse collection vehicles) and pedestrians along with minimising opportunities for informal parking that would potentially obstruct refuse vehicle access.


37.Waste Management. (Pre-Occupation Condition)

Prior to the occupation of the development hereby approved a waste management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Once approved the occupation of the development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved waste management plan. The waste management plan shall detail use of suitably sized vehicles that will be capable, including evidence, that turning onsite will be achieved and at no time other than collection day shall refuse be stored on the Whites Road public highway.

REASON: In the interest of visual and residential amenity and to ensure highways safety by preventing the need for refuse vehicles to reverse onto the public highway (Whites Road).


38.Development parameters. (Performance Condition).

As identified in the approved plans and the description of development outline permission is granted for the redevelopment of the Bitterne Parish Church site for 15 x two storey houses (4 x 4 bed and 6 x 3 bed in semi-detached pairs and 5 x 2 bed) with new access road and car parking; and multi-use games area.

REASON: For the avoidance of doubt.


39.Noise Report – (Pre-Occupation Condition)

Prior to the occupation of the hereby approved multi use games area an acoustic report shall be submitted to and approved in writing buy the local planning authority. Once agreed the development shall be carried out in accordance the agreed details including all recommendations covering the following aspects of the proposal where appropriate:

·  Installation of acoustic barrier which will be built outside the perimeter fence, so they are protected from being hit by balls generating impact noise;

·  All fencing must be securely clamped with resilient fixings to prevent vibrations;

·  No signage shall be added to the fencing around playing pitches which might otherwise generate vibration and noise if the fence is struck by balls etc;

·  All access routes should be located away from the adjacent housing, so far as is practical; and

·  Facilities shall be managed to avoid antisocial behaviour and unnecessarily raised noise levels.

REASON: To protect the amenities of the occupiers of existing nearby properties.


40.Multi use games area flood lighting (Pre-Occupation Condition)

Prior to the erection and use of any floodlighting associated with the multi-use games area further details, including mitigation measures to prevent light spill over sensitive adjacent bat foraging areas and adjacent residential properties/gardens, shall first to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved lighting scheme shall be implemented and thereafter retained as approved. The flood lighting shall be switched off when the multi-use games area is either not in use or outside of the approved operational hours of the multi-use games area.

REASON: In the interest of residential amenity/to minimise the impact on protected species.


41.Multi Use Games Area hours of use (Performance Condition)

The multi-use games area and flood lighting approved shall not be available for use outside of the following hours:

9am to 8.30pm Monday to Friday; and

9am - 7pm Saturday and Sunday

REASON: To protect the amenities of the occupiers of existing nearby residential properties.


42.Vehicular Access limitation (Performance Condition)

At no time shall the pedestrian access from the site through to the A3024 spur road be converted to provide vehicular access

REASON: In the interests of highways safety.


Supporting documents: