Issue - decisions

1000 Homes Programme

14/07/2020 - 1000 Homes Programme

(i)  Subject to the financial approvals of Council, to delegate authority to the Director of Place following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Homes and Culture, Executive Director Communities, Culture and Homes, the Executive  Director Finance and Commercialisation and the Service Director Legal and Governance:

-  To deliver a programme in accordance with the overall financial parameters and assumption outlined in this report and to approve and agree the details of each individual scheme which will be based on a specific scheme by scheme business case evaluation.

-  To establish a new Programme Board to oversee the delivery of the programme.

-  To enter into contracts with consultants, design teams and construction companies as required. 

-  To agree the final housing and tenure mix for each individual scheme.

-  To approve funding applications and successful awards towards this programme.

-  To take any other actions required, ancillary approvals or enter into any agreements required to give effect to this decision.