Issue details

Local Council Tax Support - proposed scheme for consultation

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Resources seeking approval for a draft local council tax support scheme for consultation and the necessary delegations to alter the draft scheme in the light of consultation responses and emerging legislation.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 21 Aug 2012 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Resources and Leisure

Lead director: Andy Lowe

Department: Resources and Leisure Portfolio

Contact: Email: Tel: 023 8083 2836.

Consultation process

Circulation of draft scheme to the relevant Project Board and to relevant officers and council partners and precepting authorities via email and meetings.


Relevant Council officers in Legal, Finance, Communities Team, Skills Economy and Housing Renewal; Southampton Connect and major precepting authorities (Fire and Police)

Public Comments may be sent to: Paul Medland, Council Tax Benefits Project Manager, One Guildhall Square Southampton SO14 7FP


Agenda items