Decision details

Connected Southampton - 20 Year Local Transport Plan

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the report of Cabinet Member Environment and Transport outlining the approach for Connected Southampton as the new Local Transport Plan (LTP) for Southampton setting out the City Council's vision and ambition for transport over the next 20 years, and seeking approval for statutory public consultation.


(i)  To approve the launch of a 12 week consultation on the draft of Connected Southampton 2040.

(ii)  To authorise the Service Lead:  Infrastructure, Planning and Development to make minor presentational changes to the draft consultation document before its launch.

Reasons for the decision:

As the Local Transport Authority (LTA), SCC has a statutory duty to produce a Local Transport Plan (LTP) for Southampton, under the Transport Act 2000 as amended by Local Transport Act 2008. The 2008 Act requires LTPs to consist of a long term strategy and a short term implementation plan. It permits LTAs to replace and amend the long-term strategy as and when they require.  The current LTP (LTP3) covers the period 2011-2031 and the Implementation Plan covers the period 2015-2018. The new LTP (LTP4) will cover the period up to 2040 and a new Implementation Plan will be prepared to cover 2019-2022.


LTP3 was prepared jointly with Hampshire County Council and Portsmouth City Council, was published in 2011 and includes a joint strategy across South Hampshire along with place specific actions.  The 14 Policies within that strategy are proposed to be retained as they remain relevant.  The focus of this Cabinet Paper is to present the updated long term vision for transport specific to Southampton – Connected Southampton 2040 (LTP4).

Alternative options considered:

Whilst the current LTP3 (2011-2031) is in line with the provisions of the 2008 Act, following significant changes in Central Government policy, emergence of Local Enterprise Partnerships and changing funding and growth aspirations it is considered that an updated long term transport strategy is required, known as Connected Southampton 2040 (LTP4).


Other options considered

·  Update of three year Implementation Plan only – (2019-2022). This would ensure SCC is compliant with legislation but would not present a refreshed long term vision and plan for transport in the city.

·  Light touch review of existing LTP3 to update policies, change references to new organisations to reflect new funding and decision making.  This would provide an updated Solent wide LTP3 to 2031 developed in partnership with the other Solent LTAs but would not take into account wider long term specific ambitions for Southampton and across the Solent.

·  Full replacement of the Solent LTP3 to establish new Solent wide transport policies developed in partnership with the four LTAs. Would set out the long term transport vision Solent wide collating the joint ambition of the four LTAs.

Report author: Iain Steane

Publication date: 17/07/2018

Date of decision: 17/07/2018

Decided at meeting: 17/07/2018 - Cabinet

Effective from: 26/07/2018

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