Issue - meetings

Membership of SACRE

Meeting: 07/10/2013 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 13)

Membership of SACRE

To receive any changes in membership.


The lack of attendance at the meeting was discussed as a matter of concern. 


It was reported that attendance was also an issue for other organisations including Southampton Council of Faiths, the demands on and for volunteers were recognised as considerable especially in the current economic climate.


It was noted that Nicola Peckham had joined the SACRE as the representative for the Jewish Faith but had unfortunately been unable to attend the meeting.


It was queried why four members were required for Groups B and D (Church of England and the City Council respectively).  It was agreed that the Clerk would investigate and report back to the next meeting.


RESOLVED that the Clerk contact members from Group B to express the concern of the SACRE at the lack of representation.