Issue - meetings

Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) Annual Report 2016 - 17

Meeting: 16/11/2017 - Children and Families Scrutiny Panel (Item 19)

19 Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) Annual Report 2016 - 17 pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Report of the Independent Chair of the LSCB requesting that the Panel receive the LSCB Report and utilise the information contained to inform its work.

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The Panel considered the report of the Independent Chair of the LSCB introducing the LSCB Annual Report 2016-17. 


Keith Makin, Independent Chair of the Southampton LSCB; Chief Superintendent Craig Dibdin, Hampshire Constabulary; Dr Hilary Smith, Designated Doctor; Hilary Brooks, Service Director, Children and Families Services; Phil Bullingham, Service Lead - Safeguarding, Improvement, Governance and Quality Assurance; Jane White, Service Lead Children’s Social Care; Emma Gilhespy, Business Co-ordinator LSCB and Francesca Mountfort, Information Analyst, were present and with the consent of the Chair addressed the Panel. 


The Panel noted the following:

·  that whilst recognising the challenges that existed, the Independent Chair considered Southampton to be a safer place for children and young people now than when he has presented previous LSCB annual reports to the Panel;

·  that Progress has been achieved due to:

o  effective and committed partnership working;

o  the good use of data;

o  the stability in the Senior Management Team at SCC Children and Families Services;

o  improving performance outcomes; and

o  close working with the Local Safeguarding Adults Board.

·  that progress has been made but recognised there was still a long way to go;

·  that Improving the outcomes for children at risk of neglect had been a focus of the LSCB.  The Neglect Task and Finish Group had highlighted the need to increase awareness and understanding of neglect, across all agencies, so that neglect is everybody’s business;

·  the Panel welcomed the approach relating to neglect but requested that consideration be given to approaches to detect neglect across the 0-18 age range, including further education settings;

·  that challenge was encouraged between partners on the LSCB and that these are recorded in a challenge log which is published on the LSCB website;

·  the Council’s Child Sexual Exploitation hub had expanded to raise the awareness of the co-ordination of all aspects relating to missing, exploited and trafficked children and young people and to reduce risks.  A focus has been improving arrangements for looked after children placed out of area;

·  that at a future meeting consideration would be given to developing the Panel’s understanding of how the NEET figure is measured, and how it informs action across the City;

·  that safeguarding concerns relating to elected home education were being considered by Parliament.  The LSCB were keen to see changes in legislation to strengthen safeguarding arrangements; and

·  the Independent Chair identified the key challenges moving forward as

o  child sexual exploitation;

o  on-line safety; and

o  drug use, misuse and distribution.





  (i)  That the Panel, in recognition that neglect can take many forms, requested that the LSCB considers how neglect can be detected more effectively across the various age ranges, including those in further education settings and recommended that the LSCB engage with the Designated Officers at the 3 further education colleges in Southampton to develop this approach.

  (ii)  That the Panel consider including the issue of Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs) at a future meeting.