Agenda and minutes

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) - Monday, 7th October, 2013 4.00 pm

Venue: Cantell Maths and Computing College, Violet Road, Bassett, Southampton, SO16 3GJ

Contact: Sue Lawrence  023 8083 3569

No. Item


Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

To appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair for the Municipal Year 2013/14.


RESOLVED that David Vane be appointed as Chair for the purposes of the meeting.




Welcome, Apologies and Changes Of Membership


The Chair welcomed members to the meeting, in particular Fiona Plummer, new representative for the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (Group C).


Apologies were received from:-


Group A - Nicola Peckham and Anas Al-Korj

Group C - Jackie Meering

Group D - Councillor Daunt


It was noted that due to the absence of any representatives from Group B – Church of England, as the Constitution for the SACRE required at least one member from each voting group to be present the meeting was inquorate and that any decisions would need to be ratified at the next quorate meeting.


Members requested that an additional meeting should be arranged as soon as possible.




  (i)  that an additional meeting be arranged for 11 November 2013;

  (ii)  that the Clerk contact members from Group B to express the concern of the SACRE at the lack of attendance by Church of England representatives; and

 (iii)  that the Clerk contact the relevant officers in Children’s Services to express the concern of the SACRE at the lack of Local Authority support provided for the meeting.



Minutes of the Last Meeting including Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 40 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 10th June 2013, attached.




RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 10th June 2013 be approved and signed as a correct record.  (Copy of the Minutes circulated with the Agenda and appended to the signed Minutes).


Matters Arising


It was noted that the Chair for the previous meeting (Councillor Daunt) had agreed to undertake a number of actions and that in addition several minute items concerned information being brought back to today’s meeting by SACRE members and the support officer.  Unfortunately, the members / officer involved had sent their apologies and it would not therefore be possible to follow up on those items at today’s meeting.


Page 2, Item 4 Matters Arising – The Clerk reported that the annual subscription for NASACRE had been renewed and that members would therefore be able to access the whole website by using the password to be provided by the Clerk.



Membership of SACRE

To receive any changes in membership.


The lack of attendance at the meeting was discussed as a matter of concern. 


It was reported that attendance was also an issue for other organisations including Southampton Council of Faiths, the demands on and for volunteers were recognised as considerable especially in the current economic climate.


It was noted that Nicola Peckham had joined the SACRE as the representative for the Jewish Faith but had unfortunately been unable to attend the meeting.


It was queried why four members were required for Groups B and D (Church of England and the City Council respectively).  It was agreed that the Clerk would investigate and report back to the next meeting.


RESOLVED that the Clerk contact members from Group B to express the concern of the SACRE at the lack of representation.



Review of SACRE Constitution

To ratify the SACRE constitution, as per paragraph 7.1, and finalise recommendations for amendments to the Cabinet Member, attached.





It was agreed that this item be deferred until the next meeting.



Annual Report

To receive a report on the work of SACRE over the past year.


It was agreed that this item be deferred until the next meeting.


Feedback on Events

To receive feedback and updates from members of the SACRE on any events or training attended.




A reminder was given for Interfaith Week 2013 – 17 to 23 November.



Elizabeth Jenkerson reported on attendance at her first meeting as a member of the NASACRE executive which had included discussion on the theme of the wellbeing of every child.


The Way Forward

Discussion item – to be the main focus of the meeting.


It was agreed that this item be deferred until the next meeting.


However, there was discussion on:


·  the aims, objectives and desired outcomes for the SACRE,;

·  relationship of the SACRE with the growing number of academies;

·  issues regarding attendance, membership and the number of vacancies;

·  the statutory duty on the Local Authority to provide support (both financial and professional) for the SACRE and a perceived reduction in this support including the lack of committed funding, and loss of specialist adviser post;

·  An assessment of the faith profile across the City;

·  the possibility of adapting the questionnaire used in Hampshire to gain feedback and assess the attitude of schools to the Agreed Syllabus – Living Difference – to be sent out to all schools in the City;


It was agreed that the work on the adaptation of the Hants questionnaire would be taken forward by David Vane, Priti Dave, Fiona Plummer and Dr Palmer – with an update to come to the next meeting.