Agenda and minutes

Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel - Thursday, 6th December, 2018 6.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room 3 - Civic Centre

Contact: Ed Grimshaw, Democratic Support Officer  Tel:- 023 8083 2390

No. Item


Statement from the Chair


At the request of the Chair University Hospitals Southampton briefly detailed the major incident that happened at the General Hospital site on Wednesday 28th November 2018.  The Panel were informed of matters relating to the power outage that caused the major incident at the facility including the restoration of power; the care of those patients that were affected by the incident; the re-booking of cancelled appointments and the ongoing investigations and assessments set in place to reduce the dangers of an incident of this nature re-occurring. 


Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) pdf icon PDF 60 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 1st November 2018 and to deal with any matters arising, attached.


RESOLVED: that the minutes for the Panel meeting on 1st November 2018 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Update on Progress - Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Report of the Chief Executive, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, providing the Panel with an update on progress at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, an overview of the findings from the recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) comprehensive report and information relating to the temporary closure of Beaulieu Ward at Western Community Hospital.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Chief Executive, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, providing the Panel with an update on progress at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, an overview of the findings from the recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) comprehensive report and information relating to the temporary closure of Beaulieu Ward at Western Community Hospital.


Paula Hull (Southern Health NHS - Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professionals), Susannah Preedy (Southern Health – Associate Director of Nursing and Allied Professionals) and Tom Westbury (Southern Health – Associate Director of Communications) were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Panel questioned the Southern Health Trust representative on a number of matters including: 

·  The rationale for the closure of Beaulieu Ward that provides Older People’s Mental Health Services from Western Community Hospital.  The Panel questioned why the ward was chosen given that its closure left Southampton and South West Hampshire with no such facility.  The Trust stated that the decision related to safe staffing levels and recruitment.  It was noted that the Poppy Ward staffing levels were higher and that a large proportion of staff employed on the Ward were unable to transfer wards as they did not drive;

·  The steps taken to involve the relatives of patients to enable any additional transportation requirements.  It was explained that each of the patient’s families had been briefed on any changes in care;

·  The likely reopening date for the Ward was May 2019.  However, it was explained that when the ward would only be opened when safe levels of staffing had been reached.  It was further explained that the Trust had kept the ward manager on site who would be looking to embed any new staff into the ward and develop new methods of working that will further ensure the safety of staff and patients;

·  In relation to the current consultation on the future structure of the Trust the Panel were informed that the trust was aiming to use a cluster format and keep in step with proposals set out within the local Sustainability and Transformation Plan.  Panel Members were encouraged by the Chair to engage with the process and respond to the consultation individually: and 

·  It was noted that the Trust’s performance had significantly improved however, it was recognised that there was work still to do.


RESOLVED that the Panel:


(i)  Requested that the key findings undertaken by Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust audit into events that culminated in the decision to close Beaulieu Ward on a temporary basis be shared with the Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel.

(ii)  Requested that the developing new model for Older People Mental Health services is shared with the Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel when it is finalised; and

(iii)  That Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust keep the Panel informed with regards to the proposed changes to the shape and structure of the Trust.


Hampshire and Isle of Wight System Reform Proposal pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Report of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sustainability and Transformation Partnership Senior Responsible Officer requesting that the Panel consider the proposal to reform the Hampshire and Isle of Wight health and care system.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sustainability and Transformation Partnership Senior Responsible Officer requesting that the Panel consider the proposal to reform the Hampshire and Isle of Wight health and care system.


Richard Samuels (Sustainability and Transformation Partnership Senior Responsible Officer) and John Richards (Chief Executive Officer, NHS Southampton City CCG) were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Senior Responsible Officer representative detailed a number of matters including:

·  How the plan did not currently reflect any new structures but that it would need to reflect the NHS Long-Term Plan, which was awaiting publication;

·  How the regional reform plan was centred around clusters and recognised the importance of place and accessibility;

·  What potential measures would be used to reflect future performance of the reforms;

·  The aims of the reform to encourage increased integration of services within the various agencies that provide health care within the system.  The Panel were informed that Southampton Better Care Plan had shown that agencies could work more effectively together and not affect the individual governance of the organisations involved: and

·  The accessibility of the language used within the report.


RESOLVED the Panel requested that, in order to enable the Panel to hold the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sustainability and Transformation Partnership to account, measures of success and timelines are included in the future iterations of the system reform plan.


Health and Wellbeing Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 354 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing providing the Panel with an update on progress against the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing providing the Panel with an update on progress against the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


Councillor Shields (Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing), Dr Jason Horsley and Felicity Ridgway were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Panel explored various aspects of the report including:


·  The performance of the City against the health measures set out in the report.  The Panel raised concerns at the number of measures that seemed to be falling short of target.  The Panel raised concerns in particular over a number of issues including smoking and obesity; 

·  How best to choose which health issue to target resources towards. The Panel discussed the balance of continuing to allocate funding to long term health issues, such as smoking, where a reduction had already been achieved against funding newer campaigns where there may be more readily achievable targets.  The Panel was told that an investigation was ongoing to assess the effectiveness of the anti-smoking contract;

·  How the most affective campaigns are designed effect behavioural change and that there is often a delay between the measures taken to affect change and the actual benefit of these changes being seen;

·  How the public health team were working effectively with some Council departments to ensure that public health concerns were considered when undertaking various projects, in particular the transport department, and that this was a good way of stretching limited resources to try and achieve health goals; and

·  The complexity of the data needed to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken. The Panel discussed the difficulties in collecting data that related to a quality of life measurement.


RESOLVED that the Panel noted the information within report portrayed an image of a City where a great deal of improvement was necessary. The positive aspects of the cross departmental working within the Council was also noted.