Agenda item

5 Northwood Close SO16 3QJ - 10/01311/FUL

Report of the Planning and Development Manager, recommending conditional approval in respect of the application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.



Addition of a new first floor to the existing building to facilitate conversion into 1x3-bed and 3x2-bed flats with associated parking and cycle/refuse storage.


Mr Moied (Applicant) and Ms Eccles (Local Resident) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.





FOR:  Councillors Fitzhenry, Jones, Letts and Thomas

AGAINST:  Councillors Osmond and Slade


RESOLVED that planning approval be granted subject to the conditions in the report and the amended and additional conditions set out below. 



Amended Conditions


12 - Storage / Removal of Refuse Material

Notwithstanding the approved plans, the development hereby approved shall not be commenced until the provision of details of a refuse and recycling storage, and refuse management plan have been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  This shall be accessible with a level approach including accommodation and provision of separate bins for the separation of waste to enable recycling. The agreed details shall thereafter be provided before any of the dwellings hereby approved are first occupied and retained for those purposes whilst the building is used for residential purposes. 


In the interests of protecting highway safety and visual amenity, the amenities of future occupiers of the development and the amenities of occupiers of nearby properties.


14 - Access to Bassett Green Road

The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until details have been submitted and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority to relocate the existing pedestrian access onto Bassett Green Road.  Once agreed, those works shall then be implemented in accordance with the agreed details before any of the dwellings hereby approved are first occupied.  This access shall thereafter only be used as pedestrian access at all times, and no other means of access shall be provided to the site from Bassett Green Road.


To ensure the continued collection of refuse from Bassett Green Road without compromising the privacy of the private amenity serving the future residents of flats 1 and 2.


Additional Conditions:


23 - Non habitable use

The areas shown on the 'basement floor plan' received by the Local Planning Authority on 18th November 2010 numbered 'Room 1' and 'Room 5' shall not be used for habitable accommodation at any time in accordance with the applicant's email dated 9th December 2010.


In the interests of avoiding a poor standard of living conditions for residents.


24 - Parking 

The development to which this consent relates shall not be occupied in full or in part until space has been laid out within the site in accordance with a car parking layout plan to be submitted and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority for a minimum of 6 vehicles to be parked and for vehicles to turn so that they can enter and leave in a forward gear.


To prevent obstruction to traffic in neighbouring roads and in the interests of highway safety.





The development is acceptable taking into account the policies and proposals of the Development Plan as set out below.  The design and scale of the development responds successfully to the context and character of the immediate area.  It results in no net loss of a family home by providing a unit suitable for family occupation with an additional mix of housing types, which make a positive contribution to the mix of housing available within this location.  It also provides an appropriate residential environment for future occupants of the site without adversely affecting the residential amenity of neighbouring dwellings.  The nature and scale of these changes are not considered to be significant material changes to the original proposal.  The additional material issues raised with regards to the changes associated with the amended plans which were to the external appearance and internal layout of the building, are not considered to have sufficient weight to justify refusing the planning application.  Other material considerations do not have sufficient weight to justify a refusal of the application.  In accordance with Section 38 (6) of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Planning Permission should therefore be granted.

'Saved' Policies - SDP1, SDP5, SDP7, SDP9, H1, H2, H7, of the City of Southampton Local Plan Review - Adopted March 2006 as supported by the adopted LDF Core Strategy (2010) policies CS4, CS5, CS13, CS16, CS19, and CS20 and the Council’s current adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance.  National Planning Guidance contained within PPS1 (Delivering Sustainable Development) and PPS3 (Housing 2010) are also relevant to the determination of this planning application.


NOTE: Councillor Samuels declared a prejudicial interest in the above item and withdrew from the meeting.


Supporting documents: