Agenda item

Land to the rear of 70 Shirley Avenue -10/01749/FUL

Report of the Planning and Development Manager, recommending conditional approval in respect of the application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.



Erection of a detached 3 bed property to rear of existing property (resubmission of 09/01154/FUL to provide a widened integral garage and reconfigured layout)


Mr Cope (Applicant) and Mr Wiseman (Local Resident) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.





FOR:  Councillors Fitzhenry, Jones, Letts, Osmond and Thomas

ABSTAINED:  Councillors Samuels and Slade


RESOLVED that planning approval be granted subject to the conditions in the report and the amended and additional conditions set out below. 



Amended Condition


10 – No other windows

No other windows, doors or openings shall be constructed above ground floor level in the side elevations of the dwelling hereby approved.


In the interests of the privacy of the neighbouring properties


Additional Condition


19 - Renewable Energy - Micro-Renewables

An assessment of the development’s total energy demand and a feasibility study for the inclusion of renewable energy technologies on the site, that will achieve a reduction in CO2 emissions [of at least 20%] must be conducted. Plans for the incorporation of renewable energy technologies to the scale that is demonstrated to be feasible by the study, and that will reduce the CO2 emissions of the development [by at least 20%] must be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development (excluding the demolition phase) hereby granted consent. Renewable technologies that meet the agreed specifications must be installed and rendered fully operational prior to the first occupation of the development hereby granted consent and retained thereafter.


To reduce the impact of the development on climate change and finite energy resources and to comply with adopted policy CS20 of the Local Development Framework Core Strategy Development Plan Document Adopted Version (January 2010).





The development is acceptable taking into account the policies and proposals of the Development Plan and other guidance. Other material considerations such as those listed in the report to the Planning and Rights of Way Panel on the 15.02.11 do not have sufficient weight to justify a refusal of the application. The proposed dwelling would be in keeping with the surrounding area and would not have a harmful impact on residential amenity or highway safety where appropriate planning conditions have been imposed to mitigate any harm identified.  In accordance with Section 38 (6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Planning Permission should therefore be granted having account of the following planning policies:

“Saved” Policies – SDP1, SDP4, SDP5, SDP7, SDP9, SDP10, SDP11, SDP12, SDP13,  H1, H2, and H7 of the City of Southampton Local Plan Review - Adopted March 2006 as supported by the adopted LDF Core Strategy (2010) policies CS4, CS5, CS13, CS19, and CS20 and the Council’s current adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance.  National Planning Guidance contained within PPS1 (Delivering Sustainable Development), PPS3 (Housing 2010) and PPG13 (Transport 2011) are also relevant to the determination of this planning application.


Supporting documents: