Issue - decisions

Destination Management Plan

19/07/2021 - Destination Management Plan

(i)  That Cabinet agrees and adopts the Southampton Destination Management Plan 2021-2031 as attached at Appendix 1

(ii)  That Cabinet agrees to additional resources to support the creation and implementation of a virtual Destination Management Partnership. Specifically, the additional resource will be 1 additional post to (£50, 000 per annum) to support bespoke marketing, engagement and inward investment and a funding pot of £50, 000 per annum for the partnership to act as seed funding for future investment.

(iii)  That the Head of Culture & Tourism is delegated authority to make minor and consequential amendments to the Plan, take all decisions and actions arising from recommendations of the DMO partnership and any other ancillary decisions required in order to give effect to the recommendations in this report;

(iv)  That the Head of Culture & Tourism is delegated authority to agree the Terms of Reference of the DMO Partnership Board following consultation with Board Members.