Issue - decisions

Updates to the Highways and Transport Capital Programme*

15/11/2021 - Updates to the Highways and Transport Capital Programme

(i)  To note the updated capital programme for Integrated Transport and Highways, the revised financing of the programme and the associated capital spend for 2021/22, including amendments detailed within this report and in accordance with financial procedure rules, of £74.55M as detailed in paragraph 17 and Appendix 1.

(ii)  To note the overall budget addition of £2.33M, to the Place capital programme funded by government grant and S106 developer contributions, as detailed in paragraph 18 and Appendix 1.

(iii)  To note budget virements between existing schemes within the programme as detailed in paragraph 19 and Appendix 1.

(iv)  To note the details of the projects within Transforming Cities Programme and Future Transport Zone Programme as detailed in Appendices 2 and 3.