Issue - decisions

St Mary's Leisure Centre

21/02/2022 - St Mary's Leisure Centre


(i)  Having had regard to representations received to date and the Equality and Safety Impact Assessment, to permanently cease leisure services at SMLC and approve in principle the disposal of the site on the basis set out in recommendation (ii) below.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Executive Director, Place to, explore the option of restricting the disposal of the building to residential and wholly affordable housing or mixed use with affordable housing in accordance with planning policy. A further decision, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, would be brought forward if this option was to be determined to be viable. If the Executive Director, Place, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets and the Executive Director for Finance, Commercialisation, determines this option not to be commercially viable, to proceed to disposal of the site on the open market.

(iii)  In accordance with the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules, and subject to the anticipated proceeds, explore options for investing a proportion or all of a sum equivalent to the capital receipt arising from the disposal of the building to enhance, improve or supplement facilities and places for people (especially young people) within the community for leisure and recreation.

(iv)  If the outcome of recommendation (ii) is to dispose of the building without restriction, to delegate authority to the Executive Director, Place to take all necessary action to dispose of the site on the open market, including but not limited to selection of a preferred bidder and undertaking all associated arrangements to conclude the sale of the premises.