Issue - decisions

General Fund Capital Budget 2012/13 to 2014/15

06/02/2012 - General Fund Capital Budget 2012/13 to 2014/15

On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member forResources, Leisure and Culture, Cabinet agreed to do the following:


Recommend that Full Council:

i)  Approve the revised General Fund Capital Programme, which totals £168.5M (as detailed in paragraph 4) and the use of resources.

ii)  Approve the forecast over programming of £751,000 as detailed in paragraph 11, which is within the previously approved tolerances and can be compared to the figure reported to Council in September of £8.1M.

iii)  Note that the reduction in the funding deficit is largely down to additional or increased forecast future capital receipts where the timing and exact value is to a degree uncertain.

iv)  Note the forecast funding deficit in 2011/12 as detailed in paragraph 15 that is likely to require temporary borrowing, the revenue implications of which have been reflected in the budget forecast for the General Fund.

v)  Add £4,084,000 to the Environment & Transport capital programme in 2012/13 for Roads which is currently to be funded by direct revenue financing (£2,672,000), Council Resources (£1,272,000 unsupported borrowing), on-street parking surplus contributions (£90,000) and other revenue contributions (£50,000).

vi)  Add £408,000 to the Environment & Transport capital programme for the Salix Energy Efficiency scheme in 2012/13 to be funded by government grants.

vii)  Add £519,000 to the Leisure & Culture capital programme phased £110,000 in 2012/13, £170,000 in 2013/14 and £239,000 in 2014/15 to carry out essential works at the Guildhall to be funded by Council Resources.

viii)  Add £805,000 to the Adult Social Care & Health capital programme for essential refurbishment and improvements at care homes in 2012/13 to be funded by government grant.

ix)  Delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Executive Director of Environment and following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport and the Cabinet Member for Resources, Leisure & Culture to add Salix schemes to the capital programme up to the value of £100,000 per year, funded from a self-sustaining budget created from savings generated.

x)  Note that the revised General Fund Capital Programme takes into account the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) for 2011/12 and future years.