Issue - decisions

Proposed lease of part of Mansel Park to Bush Hill FC

18/09/2012 - Proposed lease of part of Mansel Park to Bush Hill FC

(i)  Subject to the outcome of public advertisement/consultation, in principle to agree to the disposal of part of Mansel Park  by a lease to Bush Hill Football Club for a period of 10 years upon such terms as the Senior Manager: Property, Procurement & Contract Management considers reasonable.

(ii)  To authorise the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services to advertise the proposed disposal in accordance with Section 123 Local Government Act 1972.

(iii)  Should any objections be received to the public advertisement or as a result of public consultations, to refer these objections to Cabinet for determination. If no objections are received to authorise granting a lease of Mansel Park on the terms set out in this report and as provided at Recommendation (i) above, without further referral to Cabinet, subject to all planning concerns being resolved and planning permission being granted for the proposed use.

(iv)  To approve the rent of £1000 per annum for the site which is less than market value