ePetition details

Don't ruin my baby's grave

We the undersigned petition the council to Petition to reverse the decision to remove item from graves at Holybrook Cemetery

Potesting againsts the programme to remove wooden fences, wind chimes, glass and solar lights from graves within Sections A18, A19 and C15 in Hollybrook Cemetery.

This ePetition ran from 28/11/2018 to 28/01/2019 and has now finished.

1951 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

Following the receipt of the petition the Cabinet Member responsible requested that officers contact the petitioner with a view to fully understanding their concerns.
Officers acknowledged that the items placed on the graves are in contravention of the Cemeteries Rules and Regulations However, the petitioners’ concerns were given careful consideration and the Council does not wish to add to bereaved families’ distress at a very difficult time.

It was understood that the Council will be giving consideration to the layout and maintenance of the babies section and, working with organisations such as SANDS and local funeral directors, will work towards implementing changes in this area that would accommodate wooden surrounds on babies’ graves whilst minimising the risk of trips and falls and still permitting access for new graves to be excavated.

Officers met with the petitioner and it was agreed that the petition would no longer be required to be debated at a Full Council meeting as the petitioner had been given an assurance that an accommodation of their demands had been achieved and the proposed programme of grave clearance in the cemetery will not be carried out.

The petition was therefore withdrwan.