ePetition details

Elite Basketball Court - Southampton

We the undersigned petition the council to Build a high performance outdoor basketball court in central Southampton to cater for local and community needs.

Southampton has been a hub for British basketball for a number of years; home to reigning men’s EBL champions Solent kestrels, two top universities with several teams competing in national BUCS leagues. Two 6th form college basketball academies and numerous local and youth league teams.

Basketball has a huge following at a grassroots level- It teaches respect, discipline and team play along with promoting fitness and healthy living.

Our Goal- to build an elite double basketball court similar to the facility in Turnpike Lane London

Benefits- Give the residents of Southampton a facility which is needed and will be used regularly. Attract visitors to central Southampton to boost local business. Encourage residents to exercise and make basketball more accessible to those from impoverished social backgrounds

Suggested Location- Central Southampton in the area of Palmerston, Houndwell and East park,

This ePetition ran from 21/07/2020 to 01/09/2020 and has now finished.

225 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for submitting your e-petition requesting the creation of a new centrally located ‘Elite’ Basketball court. At this point in the financial year we do not have the funding available to enable us to consider building a court, however we are looking at options to try and secure funding in the next annual budget in order to provide premium Basketball court facilities. Please stay in touch and continue to engage with us.

As we hope you’re aware, there are existing Multiple Use Games Areas at a number of locations around the city and a large Basketball court on Mayflower Park which will hopefully continue to meet your needs in the short term.