Damage to trees protected by a TPO or Conservation Area

Should a protected tree be damaged (for example during bad weather) you will need to get a tree surgeon out. If you need help finding a tree surgeon we would suggest looking at the Arboricultural Association website.

A reputable tree surgeon will be able to identify required tree works and how quickly tree works are needed.

Report a tree in a dangerous condition

You can report a tree to us that you feel is an immediate hazard to life or property, such as:

  • Fallen tree
  • Newly Leaning tree
  • Dead or diseased tree, please describe the suspected disease
  • Broken branches about to fall
  • New movement at the base of the tree
  • Vandalised (pulled out/burnt)

If a tree protected by a Tree Preservation Order has fallen in bad weather, it is likely a replacement will be required. Complete the form to let us know the details.

If health and safety tree works are required within five days, the tree surgeon can proceed with works. You will need to complete the form to tell us what works have been carried out.


Before you fill in this form

You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself up to five minutes to fill in the form.

  • If the tree is within a Conservation area or is a protected by a TPO
  • Location and species of tree
  • Description of what has happened
  • What works have been, or are intended to be, carried out to make safe
  • If applicable, what replacement planting is proposed

Damage to trees protected by a TPO or Conservation area

If tree works are required within weeks or months a 1APP must be made. This can be submitted through the planning portal or by downloading a form.