Supplementary Planning Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and Guidance (SPG) provide further details, guidance and principles for development. These Supplementary Plans are material considerations when processing planning applications and development proposals in the city. This means that they have to be considered when making a planning decision.

The revised Houses in Multiple Occupation (SPD) was adopted on 4 May 2016.

Design Guidance

Residential Design Guide (SPD) sets out the principles and detailed design guidance for making better places to live. It applies to all new residential developments in Southampton including householder extensions.

The City Centre Master Plan illustrates potential developments and urban design concepts and guidelines.

City Centre Characterisation Appraisal informs the City Centre Action Plan has been completed and forms an important part of the evidence base for the Local Development Framework.

City Centre Urban Design Strategy (SPG) provides an overall framework and design guidance for development in the city centre. It sets out a long term vision for the city centre and its buildings, streets and public spaces.

Development Design Guide (SPG) promotes higher design standards in the development of Southampton City Centre. It sets out urban design objectives and shows how these can be achieved.

North/South Spine (SPG) sets out a framework for improvements to Above Bar Street/High Street by creating memorable public spaces along the streets. The North/South Spine was renamed the QEII mile.

Streets and spaces framework provides guidance for the continuing delivery of a high quality, pedestrian friendly public realm within the city centre in order to support the economic, social, cultural and environmental attractiveness of the city centre to businesses, residents and visitors.

Streetscape Manual (SPG) provides guidance for the city centre’s streets and public spaces. It sets out the standards for a high quality public realm and promotes consistency of style, colour and materials. It includes a Kit of Parts with specifications for products and materials.

Old Town Development Strategy (SPG) sets out urban design principles for the Old Town, one of the character areas identified in the City Centre Urban Design Strategy. It provides a framework to manage the historic value of the Old Town and deliver high quality new development and an improved public realm (the spaces between buildings and the network of streets and public spaces).

Contributions from development

Developer Contributions (SPD) sets out our policy for securing developer contributions to address site specific impacts of new developments that require planning permission. It also explains the relationship between developer contributions and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a standard charge towards infrastructure to address strategic impacts of new development and will become the main source of funding through development management for the majority of sites.

Public Art Strategy (SPD) sets out the contributions the council may seek for public art as part of new development.

Other guidance

Houses in Multiple Occupation (SPD) 

In March 2012, Southampton removed the permitted development rights to change a family home (use class C3) into a small HMO (use class C4). This change now needs planning permission.

The revised guidance, adopted on 4th May 2016, shows how the council will assess planning applications for all HMO and guidance on standards for living conditions of tenants and parking for HMO.

Parking Standards (SPD) provides more detail about the amount and design of parking required by new developments and about travel plans. It only applies outside the city centre as the City Centre Action Plan has a separate policy for the city centre.

Minerals and Waste

The council works jointly with Hampshire County Council, Portsmouth City Council and the New Forest National Park Authority on minerals and waste issues. Two SPDs have recently been adopted:

  • Oil and Gas Development
  • Minerals and Waste Safeguarding

For more details see Hampshire County Council's website.