Residential Design Guide

The Residential Design Guide (RDG) supplements the Local Plan Review. It outlines principles for making better places for living and provides detailed design guidance to transform the city and its neighbourhoods. It should be referred to for all new residential developments including householder extensions. 

This is the final approved version of the Residential Design Guide (RDG), which includes minor amendments made as a result of formal consultation. This document was approved in principal by Cabinet on 18 September 2006 and the final version was subsequently approved by the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport prior to publication. The Residential Design Guide is now adopted under the Local Development Framework as a supplementary planning document for development control purposes as a material consideration.

The guide provides detailed design guidance to transform the city and its neighbourhoods by setting out key design principles for the development of new homes and the spaces that surround them, creating environments of quality that respect and enhance local character.

This guidance has replaced the Residential Standards Development Control Brief (RSDCB 1989) and a number of place specific residential briefs and provides detailed design guidance for new housing developments, extensions and modifications to existing homes in support of less detailed policies outlined in the Local Plan Review (March 2006). However, these documents will continue to be used as a reference until such time that are each replaced with up-to–date area specific guidance.

Document Type Size
Residential Design Guide - Coverpdf121.8 KB
Forewordpdf28.1 KB
1. Introductionpdf1.0 MB
2. Maintaining standardspdf2.3 MB
3. Design for qualitypdf4.2 MB
4. Space around buildingspdf3.2 MB
5. Access and parkingpdf1.9 MB
6. Development mixpdf1.3 MB
7. Resource managementpdf1.6 MB
8. Adaptabilitypdf1.5 MB
9. Waste managementpdf1.1 MB
10. Crime preventionpdf1.2 MB

Residential design guide appendix

Document Type Size
Appendix A The chain of conformitypdf278.2 KB
Appendix B Housing typologies in Southamptonpdf3.3 MB
Appendix C Building for lifepdf1.6 MB
Appendix D Design and access statementspdf30.2 KB
Appendix E guidance on character appraisalspdf22.6 KB
Appendix F sustainable development checklistpdf13.4 KB
Appendix F checklistpdf47.3 KB
Appendix G Landscape checklistpdf3.0 MB
Appendix H - site constraintspdf18.0 KB
Appendix H to Mpdf91.9 KB