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Last updated: 31-10-2024. From web page: Noticeboard.
Taxi and Private Hire Trade Forum - 8 July 2024
Trade Consultation with Southampton City Council Licensing
10am to 1200 Monday 8th July 2024 - Online
Chair is Cllr Matthew Bunday
The purpose of this forum is defined as:
- A two-way exchange of information, dialogue and discussion
- To hear views, comments and concerns of the trade
- To receive information, comments, and concerns of the Licensing Team, Members and the Council as a whole.
- Not a decision making forum
- Where matters of a particular concern and where appropriate, matters raised can be referred to the Licensing Committee where a formal decision can be made.
It should be borne in mind that consultation does not necessarily mean agreement with and that consultation meetings cannot be decision making meetings.
Cllr Bunday has also invited the following people to attend:
Ian LOYNES – Spectrum
- Introductions/Apologies Chair
- Apologies from Ian Loynes
- Notes from Previous Meeting Chair
- No feedback from previous meeting
- Funding for Taxi Education for Students - Licensing
- PB advised that he had funding for taxi education for students. Looking for some input in how best to utilise this
- Summary since last meeting - Licensing
- RH advised that we have two new Licensing Officers, Wojciech Kropidlowski
and Teri Staddon. Also Pat Ngalamulume has rejoined us from Eastleigh. We now have four full time Licensing Officers, an increase by one post as well as a Licensing Apprentice - Previous Committee Meeting
Card Machine condition now policy. Reops should advise hackney drivers that they will need a working card machine on board their HC when submitting for plating. - Operator Fees
Licensing are reviewing Operator Fees. RH has asked all operators to submit data regarding the number of vehicles they operate in order to research the viability of charging different amounts depending on size of operator. We will be having a separate meeting on fees in August. - Drug Testing Policy
This is now policy and Licensing are looking at methods of implementations.
- RH advised that we have two new Licensing Officers, Wojciech Kropidlowski
- Complaint re using driveways to turn around
- As part of a complaint resolution, RH asked the reps to remind drivers not to use private driveways to turn around in
- Vehicle Age Limits
- Increasing age limits was bought up again. Cllr Bunday indicated that there position has not changed on this and saw no reason why this should be reviewed at this time.
- Card payments - SHO/AS
- Concerns were raised that coverage is sometimes not good in the City and this may cause drivers problems. RH reminded the trade that the new condition is now policy and it required a working card machine if the vehicle was available for hire. Officers can check this. It is understood that failures may happen. RH is not aware of any instances at all where this has been an issue since ABP introduced this at the docks over a year ago.
- Station Rank - SHO/AS/gmb
- An update was asked for on news of rank modifications at the south side of Central Station. As far as the council were aware, there are no plans or funding available for any modifications at this time.
- Operator Fees - GMB
- RH advised that he had completed a survey of operator sizes and using this data had identified that there could be a split at up to 50 vehicles and maybe again at over 500 vehicles. Using this data, for an up to 5 year operator’s licence, if we were to charge operators over 500 vehicles £8,000, 50 – 500 vehicles £4,000, the rest we would have to charge £1,400 to cover costs. If we were to charge equally, the charge would be £1,600 per licence. This makes it illogical to put these brackets in as they could and will be exploited. RH stated that we will split the difference and its likely we will suggest the 5 yr fee is £1,500 and we will make efficiencies to make up any shortfall and see how the budget looks going forward.
- Respect Campaign - GMB
- Ali bought this campaign to the councils attention and RH said he would look into it and report back at the next Forum.
- Taxi Camera Reliability
- Ali raised this as an issue as he was hearing increased reports of cameras failing which is putting the drivers and public at risk. Licensing to report back at the next Forum.
Trade Invitees
- AE – Abdiwali ELMI - STA
- MF – Matthew FRECKLETON - Uber
- AH – Ali HAYDOR - GMB Union Rep
- PM – Perry MCMILLAN - UNITE Union Rep
- MP – Mayuri PANDYA - Bolt
- GP – Gino PICCANINO - Elected Hackney Rep
- JR - Jamilur RAHMAN - Elected Private Hire Trade Rep
- AS – Ajmal SUDAN - SHO
- AS – Anwar SUMRA - Elected Hackney Rep
- SHO - Southampton Hackney Organisation
- SHPHA - Southampton Hackney and Private Hire Association
- STA - Southampton Taxi Association