Working in early years and childcare

In this section of the website you will find useful information if you're working with children and families, or in a child-related job in the city, or if you're interested in starting a new career in this exciting area of work.

If you are a newly qualified practitioner (NQP) in early years and childcare, the Southampton Early Years and Childcare team can offer the following free support during your first year of practice:

  • A peer-to-peer support group
  • Mentor support
  • Termly meetings via Microsoft Teams – an optional drop in with a focus for each meeting e.g. safeguarding, Every Child a Talker, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities etc.
  • A Q&A/query session to check into each term
  • Two free training sessions per term (T&Cs apply)
  • Latest Southampton EY job vacancies list
  • A named contact in the EY and CC team for queries and support

All elements of this offer are optional, and you can use as much or as little as you like! To be eligible you should be in your first year of practice to get 1 year of support from the date you sign up.

If you would like to sign up to this offer, please visit the NQP Support Network.

This video features existing professionals talking about what it is like working in childcare and early years in Southampton.

Information about different roles

Pathways into Early Education and Childcare

Why work with children?

What's in it for me?

Quality education, care and play for children from birth to 14 years of age makes a real difference to their lives, laying the foundation for all-round development in their crucial formative years and preparing them for adulthood.

Thousands of children are already benefiting from the input of people like you – people who care about children and their future, who have the commitment, energy and enthusiasm to be positive role models, and who value the opportunity for a worthwhile career.

You'd be playing a key role in the lives of the children you care for. Your involvement could help children develop social and learning skills that would stand them in good stead throughout their lives.

So why work with children? Because children deserve a good start. After all, they're our future.

What will I earn?

Pay levels are set locally, rather than nationally, and are dependent upon the setting in which you work and the number of hours you work. But the better qualified you are, the more experience you get and the higher your level of responsibility – then the higher your salary is likely to be.

Looking for a job or apprenticeship in Early Years/Childcare?

You can find opportunities at:

Early Years/Childcare providers

If you have a job vacancy or apprenticeship, please upload this to find a job.

For help with this process see find a Job instructions.