Act during flooding

Traffic island surrounded by water

In an emergency

Call 999 if there is a danger to life

It is important to prepare for flooding. The following information outlines steps that you can take during a flood that will help to keep yourself, your family, and your colleagues safe during times of flooding.

Stay safe

Always listen to the emergency services and evacuate when told to do so.

Stay informed

Listen to the radio and TV, check social media and use the Environment Agency’s Floodline on 0345 988 1188.

For specific information on areas in Southampton use the following Environment Agency quick dial codes:

Area Quick dial code
Southampton Water and Hamble Call 216019
Mansbridge and Woodmill on the River Itchen Call 316084
Tanners Brook Call 216061

Move items to higher ground

Think about what could be damaged and move items upstairs or raise them off the ground.


Help anyone nearby that you know may be less able, such as the elderly or disabled, but only if it is safe to do so. If is not safe make the emergency services aware.

Flood kit

Grab your flood kit and ensure it is always with you.

Move your family and pets to safety

Go upstairs or to higher ground where there is a means of escape.

Flood water

Avoid walking or driving through or near flood water. Stay away from low-lying areas. If you come into contact with flood water wash your hands regularly.