Dead animals
We will safely and hygienically dispose of any dead animal reported on land owned or managed by the council. This includes rodents, domestic pets and larger wild animals such as deer and badgers.
Before you fill in this form
You won't be able to save this form to complete later, so please allow yourself up to five minutes to fill in the form.
If the dead animal is on a busy carriageway, please make it clear that it is causing a traffic hazard. We will then give the case a high priority status and make sure it is referred directly to the specialist Highways unit. More routine cases will be dealt with by the street cleansing team but should still be attended within one working day of report.
Report a dead animal on private land
Dead animals found on private land or property are the responsibility of the land owner or occupier. If you need assistance, contact your local veterinary practice.
If your cat or dog has been missing for an unusually long period of time contact us with a brief description of their pet and we will check this against our recent records.