
Preventing dust nuisance

Most dust nuisances in Southampton come from construction and demolition works, many of which are one-off or short-term works.

These are the types of precautions we would recommend taking to minimise dust from becoming a nuisance:

  • Keep your neighbours informed and respond to their concerns
  • Store fine materials under cover
  • Dampen fine materials and roadways
  • Minimise demolition or crushing dust
  • Wash down vehicles
  • Take care when deciding transport routes
  • Provide hard-surfaced roadways
  • Have in place proper waste management arrangements
  • Use well-maintained machinery
  • Manage sub-contractors and staff on-site

Report dust nuisance

If you are suffering from a dust nuisance, try speaking to the contractor responsible. If this not successful, before contacting the council you need to know that for us to successfully intervene, the dust has to have:

  • Usually occurred on a number of occasions
  • Been significant enough to have affected how you can use your house or garden
  • Affected a wide area or lots of properties

Make a complaint about dust