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Flood Risk Management
Welcome to Southampton City Council’s Flood Risk Management webpages. Please use the links below to find information and advice on flood risk in Southampton.
Flood risk in Southampton
For information on the different types of flood risk that can be experienced in the city
Flood Risk Advice
For useful advice on how to prepare for flooding, and information on what to do during and after a flood event
Lead Local Flood Authority
Report a flood
Please report flooding incidents to us regarding all types of flooding e.g. blocked gullies, sewer blockages, etc
Find out about the schemes being implemented across the city to reduce flood risk and coastal erosion
Strategies, Plans and Studies
For advice on where to get sandbags and how to use them
Local Authority Searches
For information on flood defence and land drainage consents, outstanding notices and drainage matters
Riparian landowners
Find out your responsibilities as a riparian landowner. Apply for Ordinary Watercourse consent
Property Level Resilience
For more information on how you can reduce the impact of flooding to your home
Sustainable Drainage Systems
For information and advice for developers