Local Authority Searches

Civic Centre

A local authority search informs you of any legal restrictions or future development proposals that affect a particular property or piece of land. The search will let you know about any charges or responsibilities you will be taking on when you exchange contracts.

As of 4 July 2016, the CON29R and CON29O search forms include new questions relating to flood risk and drainage matters.

This page provides a response or where to direct an enquiry to seek a response. Please see Local Land Charges for information on searches or other search questions.

3.3 Drainage Matters

  • 3.3a - Is the property served by a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)?
  • 3.3b - Are there SuDS features within the boundary of the property? If yes, is the owner responsible for maintenance?

The council is not legally required to keep any records regarding sustainable drainage systems, however, some information relating to property SuDS may have been submitted with the relevant planning application, which can be viewed on our website via Public Access.

New build? Information should be sought from the developer to clarify any maintenance responsibilities a property owner may inherit, or any maintenance agreements they may be required to fund should any exist through a management company.

  • 3.3c – If the property benefits from SuDS for which there is a charge, who bills the property for surface water drainage charge?

Water and sewerage companies normally include a surface water charge in their bills where roof water from a property connects to a public surface water sewer. Maintenance of drainage infrastructure serving a single property, within the boundary of that property, is the responsibility of the homeowner unless otherwise directed.

CON29R: 3.7 Outstanding Notices

  • 3.7 (g) flood and coastal erosion risk management

There are currently no statutory notices in force on any properties in Southampton relating to flood and coastal erosion risk management that the council has authority to serve.

Enquiries for information held regarding specific properties should be addressed to flooding@southampton.gov.uk.

CON29O: 21 Flood defence and land drainage consents

  • Has any flood defence or land drainage consent relating to the property been given or refused, or (if applicable) is the subject of a pending application?

The council does not hold information relating to flood defence consents as these are managed by the Environment Agency. Enquiries for these should be addressed to enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk.

Enquiries for information held regarding land drainage consents for specific properties should be addressed to the Land Charges Team.