Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
A report of the Cabinet Member for Housing
Operations recommending a Private Sector Leasing Scheme to help
reduce the use of emergency accommodation.
(i) To approve the Private Sector Leasing Scheme proposal. The scheme will aim to meet some of our current demand for additional temporary accommodation which will assist in reducing our use of costly emergency accommodation. This scheme is one of the interventions that will form part of our homelessness transformation programme.
(ii) To grant delegated powers to the Director of Housing following consultation with and the Executive Director of Enabling Services, Executive Director of Growth and Prosperity, the Director of Legal and Governance and the Cabinet Member for Housing, to do anything required to support the implementation of the proposal and to make minor amendments as required.
The number of households approaching the Council who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and the number of people sleeping rough is increasing. By implementing the PSL scheme we will:
1. Increase the council’s housing solutions as a tool to prevent homelessness and rough sleeping.
2. Mobilise housing solutions that contribute towards the councils cost efficiencies.
3. Modernise the council’s delivery model/ toolkit to tackle homelessness.
4. Improve the quality of accommodation solutions we use to intervene in instances whereby we owe households a homeless duty.
5. Reduce the risks of people sleeping rough and living in unsuitable accommodation which impacts adversely on the life chances of those we serve.
6. Help harness partnership working with private sector stakeholders.
The Council could decide not to proceed with a PSL scheme, but it is in the Council’s interests to consider all alternative options of temporary accommodation.
Given that the Council has an extensive housing waiting list and unprecedented demand for temporary accommodation, this would be a missed opportunity to meet a small proportion of that need.
Several local authorities already operate Private Sector Leasing Schemes and use the scheme as an established model to help increase temporary accommodation options.
Report author: Maria Byrne
Publication date: 26/11/2024
Date of decision: 26/11/2024
Decided at meeting: 26/11/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 05/12/2024
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