Decision details

Budget Matters -November 2021

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider any key financial decisions of a capital or revenue nature.


(i)  The Council continues to deliver a carbon reduction and cost saving scheme under the Corporate Assets Decarbonisation Scheme (replacement of the Clean Growth Fund) funded by Council Resources or grant funding where available.

(ii)  To approve spend on Phase 1 of the Corporate Asset Decarbonisation Scheme (CADS) of £3.78M within the existing Growth capital programme spread over 2 years 2021/22 (£1.78M) and 2022/23 (£2.00M). This includes £0.78M for enhancements to existing buildings and £3.00M for streetlighting improvements. This is to be funded £3.58M by Council Resources and £0.20M by grant funding.

(iii)  To approve the virement £0.20M grant funding from the Electric Vehicle Action Plan (EVAP) project to the Corporate Asset Decarbonisation Scheme.

(iv)  To note that due to current market conditions costs may be subject to increase. If there are cost variations the business case will be reassessed to ensure value for money before any spend is committed. Any revision to costs included in the capital programme will follow the usual Financial Procedure Rules and delegations.

Reasons for the decision:

1.  To continue a funded programme of works over 5 years to enable the council to work towards decarbonisation of its corporate assets by 2030 and reduce energy costs.

2.  To reduce the Council’s impact on climate change.

Alternative options considered:

1.  Rely solely on grant funding – this was considered not feasible as grant funding cannot be guaranteed and when it is available it can have strict compliance criteria that could stifle the whole site approach to decarbonisation and energy cost saving.  An example is the council would not be able to export solar PV generated power and earn an income.

2.  Do nothing approach - the council could decide to not take forward the proposed borrowing option for the energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. However, this would not meet the Climate Emergency and the related central government decarbonisation agenda. It would also put the council at significant risk associated with ongoing rises in energy costs, in addition to limiting the opportunity for the Council to grow green jobs and to grow the local economy.

Report author: Steve Harrison (Finance)

Publication date: 15/11/2021

Date of decision: 15/11/2021

Decided at meeting: 15/11/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/11/2021

Accompanying Documents: