Issue - meetings

Planning Report for the Airport Consultation

Meeting: 01/12/2020 - Planning and Rights of Way Panel (Item 41)

41 Planning Report for the Airport Consultation pdf icon PDF 484 KB

Report of the Interim Head of Planning and Economic Development setting out considerations in regard to the consultation response for the Southampton International Airport planning application

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Planning and Economic Development detailing considerations for the Panel on the further consultation by Eastleigh Borough Council on amendments to the planning application reference F/19/86707 at Southampton Airport for the following works to facilitate airport expansion.


The application is for the construction of a 164 metre runway extension at the northern end of the existing runway, associated blast screen to the north of the proposed runway extension, removal of existing bund and the reconfiguration and extension of existing long stay car parking to the east and west of Mitchell Way to provide additional long stay spaces.


It was noted that the consultation related to the proposed introduction of noise controls and restriction on the amount of vehicular traffic entering the airport based on a reduced growth forecast capped at 3 million passengers per annum by 2033.


Felix Eigenbrod, RogerTyers, Angela Cotton and Lyn Brayshaw

(local residents/ objecting), Steve Szalay (Operations Director, Southampton Airport) , Robin Henderson (Savills Planning), Brian Johnson (Solent LEP), Tim Hancock ( Business South),  Sandra Clothier (local resident) Stephen Longley (Bitterne Manor  Community Association  and Airport Staff Member)  Councillors Fitzhenry, Fuller and Savage were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Panel considered the details set out in the report and noted the requirement to reach a decision to either maintain the Panel’s objection from the meeting on the 28 January 2020 or support the planning application following the amendments as set out in this report.  Following comments from the Panel, officers agreed to include additional mitigation measures set out below


Councillor Coombs proposed a motion that was seconded by Councillor McEwing that the Panel should support its previous objection, as set out below.  Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.


RECORDED VOTE to maintain the Panel’s objection.

FOR:  Councillors Mitchell, Coombs, Fielker, Prior, Vaughan

and McEwing

ABSTAIN:  Councillor L Harris




·  that the Panel maintained the previous objection raised on 28 January 2020.;

·  that the Panel recommended that Council remains involved and engages with the suggested mitigation controls, listed in the officer’s report, and amended as set out below at the meeting, should Eastleigh Borough Council decide to approve the application.

Additional Mitigation measures agreed at the meeting.


·  Introduction of Noise-related and NOx emissions-related landing charging scheme to encourage quieter and less polluting planes.

·  Sounds insultation grant scheme to include schools within the >60dB contour(s).

·  Secure ecological mitigation measures within the ES ecological assessment and mitigation against any increased deposition of nitrogen onto mudflats within the Solent and Southampton Water SPA.

·  Operational management plan (or similar) to ensure that airport peak vehicular trips would not coincide with network peak hours.

·  Airport Surface Access Strategy (securing on-going review and further measures if or when needed) including a Staff Travel Plan & Passenger Travel Plan.

·  Highway Improvements to Wessex Lane/Wide Lane junction and Mansbridge Road roundabout including pedestrian and cycle facilities.