Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 19th July, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Judy Cordell and Claire Heather  023 8083 2766/2412

Link: link to meeting

No. Item



To receive any apologies.


It was noted that apologies had been received from Councillors P Baillie, Moulton and Wood. 


Minutes pdf icon PDF 469 KB

To authorise the signing of the minutes of the Council AFM Meeting held on 17th May 2023, attached.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council Annual General Meeting held on the 17th May 2023 be approved and signed as a correct record.  


Announcements from the Lord Mayor and Leader

Matters especially brought forward by the Lord Mayor and the Leader.


Announcements from the Lord Mayor:


(i)  Following the Coxford Ward Election on 22nd June 2023, the Lord Mayor welcomed Councillors Greenhalgh and McCreanor and returning to the Council, Councillor Renyard.

(ii)  The Lord Mayor announced that the meeting was open to being filmed and reminded those filming that the right to film was limited to the duration of the meeting and recording must cease when the meeting closed.  Filming or recording was not permitted if the effect would be to interrupt or disturb the proceedings or if it was intrusive of a specific individual or individuals. If in her opinion this was occurring, it would not be permitted, and she would ask you to stop. Similarly, some members of the public attending the meeting may object to being filmed, photographed or recorded. The Lord Mayor would be making those attending the meeting today aware and would ask those filming, to respect their wishes, and would expect that these were complied with.

(iii)  The Lord Mayor reminded Members that on 27th July 1998 tragedy struck on board a Seaplane in the Solent.  On that day we sadly lost the Mayor Mr Michael Andrews who was representing the City on a flight across the Solent.  She invited all to remember that day and the tragedy that unfolded as we approach the 25 year anniversary.


Announcements from the Leader:


(i)  The Leader welcomed the new Coxford Members.  Recognising that as a result of the Election, the Administration were represented by 50% women and this achievement should be recognised. 

(ii)  The Leader thanked officers for the work undertaken ensuring that Coxford residents had access to Councillors and their casework was resolved during the recent unprecedented period as the Election was rightfully postponed. 

(iii)  The Leader formally announced changes to Cabinet.  Councillor Renyard had been appointed to Safter City, changes had been made to responsibilities within the Portfolio and that of Communities and Leisure to reflect the return of Councillor Renyard to his previous role.  Councillor Leggett had stood down from Finance and Change and been replaced by Councillor Letts who had previous held office as the Cabinet Member for Finance as well as Leader of the Council, and that Waste would be moving to Environment and Transport. 

(iv)  The Leader thanked Councillor Leggett for his five year term of office as Cabinet Member and for all of his hard work and commitment during this time in the various roles he had held. 



Deputations, Petitions and Public Questions

To receive any requests for Deputations, Presentation of Petitions or Public Questions.


It was noted that no requests for deputations, petitions or public questions had been received.



Revenue and Capital Outturn 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 343 KB

Report by the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change on the Revenue and Capital Outturn for 2022/23.

Additional documents:


Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change detailing the Revenue and Capital Outturn for 2022/23.




General Fund – Revenue


i)  Notes the General Fund revenue outturn for 2022/23 has been balanced by drawing down £11.38M from reserves to meet the year-end deficit, as outlined in paragraph 4 and in paragraph 2 of Appendix 1.

ii)   Notes the performance of individual portfolios in managing their budgets as set out in paragraphs 3 to 7 of Appendix 1 and Annex 1.1.

iii)  Agrees the requests to carry forward un-ringfenced grant funding totalling £0.16M as outlined in paragraph 8 of Appendix 1.

iv)  Notes the performance of the Property Investment Fund (PIF) as detailed in paragraphs 9 to 11 of Appendix 1 and Annex 1.2.


Housing Revenue Account


v)  Notes the HRA revenue outturn for 2022/23 as outlined in paragraph 7 and paragraph 22 of Appendix 1 and Annex 1.4.


Capital Programme


vi)  Notes the actual capital spending in 2022/23 for the General Fund was £62.94M and for the HRA was £35.88M, as outlined in paragraphs 10 and 11 below and detailed in paragraphs 2 to 5 of Appendix 2.

vii)  Notes the capital financing in 2022/23 as shown in table 3 of Appendix 2.

viii)  Approves the revised capital programme for 2022/23 to 2027/28 and its financing as summarised in paragraph 10 of Appendix 2 and detailed in Annex 2.2.

ix)  Approves the latest prudential indicators for the revised capital programme as detailed in Annex 2.3.



Exclusion of the Press and Public - Exempt Papers included in the following Item (if needed)

To move that in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, specifically the Access to Information Procedure Rules contained within the Constitution, the press and public be excluded from the meeting in respect of any consideration of the exempt appendices to the following Item.

Appendix 12 and Appendix 13 are exempt from publication by virtue of category 3 of rule 10.4 of the council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules i.e. information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person. It is not in the public interest to disclose this information due to an ongoing commercial dispute which is subject to a protected alternative dispute resolution procedure. If the information was disclosed then the Council’s financial position would be available to other parties to the dispute and prejudice the Council’s ability to achieve best value.



The Lord Mayor moved that in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, specifically the Access to Information Procedure Rules contained within the Constitution, the press and public be excluded from the meeting in respect of any consideration of the exempt appendices to the following Item.


Appendix 12 and Appendix 13 are exempt from publication by virtue of category 3 of rule 10.4 of the council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules i.e. information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person. It is not in the public interest to disclose this information due to an ongoing commercial dispute which is subject to a protected alternative dispute resolution procedure. If the information was disclosed then the Council’s financial position would be available to other parties to the dispute and prejudice the Council’s ability to achieve best value.



Medium Term Financial Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 929 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change providing details of the Medium Term Financial Strategy Update.

Additional documents:


Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change detailing the Medium Term Financial Strategy Update. 




General Fund – Revenue


i)  Notes the updated budget position and MTFS forecast.

ii)  Notes the content of the draft CIPFA Review report at Appendix 1 and the further work that CIPFA are undertaking to support the council in improving its financial position.

iii)  Agrees the approach as outlined in the Financial Strategy set out below (paras 24 to 31).

iv)  Agrees to the setting up of a voluntary improvement board as outlined in paragraph 29.

v)  Supports and endorses a move to ‘cash limited’ budgets for each service, which is intended to reinforce accountability and control. See paragraphs 49 to 54 on how this will operate.

vi)  Agrees the Reserves Policy at Appendix 4.

vii)  Agrees the parameters for the fees & charges policy as set out in paragraphs 69 to 79.

viii)  Approves the in-year budget cost control measures, which are mitigation to ensure the council lives within its agreed budget for 2023/24 attached at Appendix 6.

ix)  Agrees the procurement strategy and procurement forward programme 2023-25 contained at paragraph 108, appendix 7 and Annex 7.1 to go forward to procurement, subject to review of the Cost Control Panel.

x)  Agrees the proposed revisions to the Financial Procedure Rules as described in paragraphs 54 and 113 to 117, and set out in detail at Appendix 9, subject to any comments and changes once this change has been considered at Governance Committee.

xi)  Agrees to delegate authority to the Executive Director Corporate Services (S151 Officer), following consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, to accept Health Determinants Research Collaboration funding and approve spend in the event the funding is received (see paragraphs 99 to 102).


Housing Revenue Account


xii)  Notes the budget pressures facing the Housing Revenue Account and the measures being considered to mitigate these set out in Appendix 12.

xiii)  Approves the approach to recovering costs of the Landlord Controlled Heating Account as set out in paragraphs 123 to 130 and specifically option 2 of a phased increase over five years.

Capital Programme


xiv)  Approves the creation of a new Strategic Capital Board (para 114), with its terms of reference given in Appendix 8.

xv)  Approves an indicator limit of no more than 11% for the ratio of capital financing to the Net Revenue Budget of the council for the General Fund. This is a key Prudential Indicator which will limit the scale of the capital programme’s impact on the revenue budget (see paras 42 and 45).

xvi)  Approves the in-year budget adjustments to the General Fund capital programme, as detailed in paragraph 117.

xvii)  Supports the aim of reviewing the whole capital programme against the criteria of Purposeful Investment (see paragraphs 30 and 113-117).

xviii)  Notes the plans for transformation and agrees the delegation to the Executive Director Corporate Services to apply, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Change and subject to a business case, capital receipts  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.


Executive Business pdf icon PDF 217 KB

Verbal report of the Leader of the Council.


A verbal report of the Leader of the Council was given setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive.


The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to questions.


The following questions were submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1:-


1.  Improved Bus Routes


Councillor Blackman to Councillor Keogh


QUESTION: With some areas of the city in ‘bus deserts’, including the Sports Centre which is planned for modernisation, could the Cabinet Member report on progress to improve the coverage of bus routes in the city?


ANSWER:  The Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)  sets out a vision for buses in Southampton. As part of the BSIP, the Council has now entered into an Enhanced Partnership with local bus operators (March 2023). The Enhanced Partnership sets out obligations on The Council and on local bus operators to achieving the ambitions in the BSIP. The Enhanced Partnership has set up a new governance board where issues such as new bus network planning will be discussed and worked through with bus operators and the Council.


The bus network is currently under a review following the withdrawal of a bus operator (First Bus) in Feb 2023 and the subsequent taking over of the majority of those routes by Bluestar (Go South Coast Group). The Council will work with Bluestar via the Enhanced Partnership to review the bus network to ensure that it is sustainable and fit for purpose for Southampton.


2. Budget


Councillor Fitzhenry to Councillor Kaur


QUESTION: Can the leader confirm when she first knew of the councils revised budget black hole?


ANSWER: The Cabinet and I have been discussing the financial position since February. We have had regular meetings with the Executive Management Team to develop the plan that is presented today. The financial situation at the start of any year is a developing one especially this year with the increasing economic pressure the council and residents are facing, hence we have requested some external validation of the forecast.


3. St. Mary’s Leisure Centre


Councillor Fitzhenry to Councillor Kaur


QUESTION: Can the leader give a personal commitment that St. Mary’s Leisure Centre will stay open given the significant financial challenges the council faces?




4. Grass Cutting Service


Councillor Galton to Councillor Keogh


QUESTION: Given the numerous complaints over the length of uncut grass, especially in the west of the City and within our cemetery grounds, will the Cabinet Member commit to not cutting these staff and improving the service levels to meet our tax payers expectations of a basic service?


ANSWER: The number of complaints about our green spaces is low.  In the last 12 months there have been 44 service requests (24 of these in the West operating district), and 14 complaints received via customer services.  Considering that the warm and wet spring in 2023 that saw accelerated grass growth in the city I feel the performance of our teams has been good and should be commended.  Several of the service requests were invalid, involving  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.



(a)  Moved by Councillor Keogh


Southampton’s School Street programme has proven to be very successful and popular with parents and children alike, creating safer, healthier, and happier environments across our city. 


As a Council we value the support of the many volunteers who are integral to this programme. However, we understand the challenges many schools face in operating school street closures. 


Council therefore commends the actions of the Executive in applying for powers to enforce moving traffic violations through the use of automated number plate recognition cameras and we urge Government to grant permission sooner rather than later and for additional resources to be provided.


(a)  Councillor Goodfellow moved and seconded by Councillor Keogh


Southampton’s School Street programme has proven to be very successful and popular with parents and children alike, creating safer, healthier, and happier environments across our city.


As a Council we value the support of the many volunteers who are integral to this programme. However, we understand the challenges many schools face in operating school street closures.


Council therefore commends the actions of the Executive in applying for powers to enforce moving traffic violations through the use of automated number plate recognition cameras and we urge Government to grant permission sooner rather than later and for additional resources to be provided.


Amendment moved by Councillor Fitzhenry and seconded by Councillor J Baillie


3rd paragraph, 1st line after “of the” delete “executive” and insert “previous Conservative Administration for preparing for the statutory consultation and the current Labour Administration for progressing this and”


3rd paragraph, 1st line delete “in” and insert “and”


3rd paragraph, 3rd line after “cameras” delete “and”


3rd paragraph, 4th line after "later” insert “noting this is anticipated to be by the end of July and for additional resources to be provided.


3rd paragraph,4th line insert after “provided” “such as through future Active Travel Fund awards. Council urges the Executive to progress use of its own allocated LTP capital budget of £30k for the installation of new camera sites and associated signage”.


Insert new paragraph 4 “Furthermore, Council believes that these powers should only be used to improve road safety and not as revenue raising opportunity. Finally, Council believes that camera enforcement should be used as an additional tool to improve safe travel to schools and not as a substitute for school crossing patrols and where there are vacant school crossing patrol posts every effort should be made to fill these positions”.




Southampton’s School Street programme has proven to be very successful and popular with parents and children alike, creating safer, healthier, and happier environments across our city.


As a Council we value the support of the many volunteers who are integral to this programme. However, we understand the challenges many schools face in operating school street closures.


Council therefore commends the actions of the previous Conservative Administration for preparing for the statutory consultation and the current Labour Administration for progressing this and applying for powers, to enforce moving traffic violations through the use of automated number plate recognition cameras. We urge Government to grant permission sooner rather than later, noting this is anticipated to be by the end of July and for additional resources to be provided, such as through future Active Travel Fund awards. Council urges the Executive to progress use of its own allocated LTP capital budget of £30k for the installation of new camera sites and associated signage.


Furthermore, Council believes that these powers should only be used to improve road safety and not as revenue raising opportunity. Finally, Council believes that camera enforcement should be used as an additional tool to improve  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor

To consider any question of which notice has been given under Council Procedure Rule 11.2.




It was noted that no requests for Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Lord Mayor had been received. 


Appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees and Other Bodies

To deal with any appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees or other bodies as required.


It was agreed Councillor Renyard be appointed to the Police and Crime Panel.


It was noted that at the request of the Leader the allocation of seats to Governance Committee was increased from 5 to 7.  Members appointed to Governance Committee were Councillors McEwing, A. Frampton, Denness, Rayment, McCreanor, P Baillie and Chapman and that Councillor A Frampton was elected as Chair. 


It was noted that dispensation had been given for Councillor Paffey to be appointed to Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to take account of the firebreak rules in the Constitution. 


The following changes to Committee membership were also noted. 


Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee: Councillor Lambert to replace Councillor Letts and Councillor Greenhalgh to replace Councillor Rayment.

The Election of a Vice-Chair would take place at the next meeting of the Committee.  


Licensing Committee: Councillor Moulton to replace Councillor J Baillie and Councillor A Bunday to replace Councillor A Frampton.


Planning and Rights of Way Panel: Councillor J Baillie to replace Councillor Powell-Vaughan.


Children and Families Scrutiny Panel: Councillor Webb to replace Councillor Quadir.