
Schools Forum - Wednesday, 19th December, 2018 4.15 pm

Venue: The Cedar School, Redbridge Lane, Nursling, Southampton, SO16 0XN

Contact: Schools Forum Administration  Email: [email protected]

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions

Welcome by Chair of Schools Forum, John Draper.


Apologies and Changes in Membership (if any)

To note apologies and changes in membership.


Minutes of Previous Meeting - 17 October 2018 pdf icon PDF 253 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2018.


Updates to be provided on the following:


·  (Item 8) Payroll Proceedings for Schools


Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members to disclose any personal or pecuniary interests in any matter included on the agenda for this meeting.


NOTE:  Members are reminded that, where applicable, they must complete the appropriate form recording details of any such interests and hand it to the Meeting Support Officer.


Standing Item: LA Update on DfE/EFA Funding Announcements

The LA to provide an update if applicable regarding national announcements.


Local Authority Updates


Scheme for Financing Schools

To receive a review update from Paul Atkins and the sub-group.


Schools Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Paul Atkins to provide a verbal update on Schools SLA’s.


Pupil Growth

Paul Atkins to provide a verbal update on Pupil Growth.


Update on Secondary School Expansion

Paul Atkins to provide a verbal update on the Secondary School Expansion.


Proposed options for 2019/20 SCC Schools Funding Formula and Consultation Update

Nick Persson to present the DSG Model for members to discuss.


This will also include:


·  Discussion of the 0.5% High Needs Block transfer.

·  Update on Private Funding Initiative.

·  Discussion of Variable and Fixed Rates.

Paul Atkins to update on the consultation with all schools and SCC draft proposals before actual budget meeting in January 2019.




Paul Atkins to provide a verbal update on contingencies for unforeseen circumstances.


Closing remarks and Dates of Next Meeting

Date: 16 January 2019

Time: 3:30pm or 4:00pm start

Venue: TBC