Agenda and minutes

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) - Monday, 17th October, 2011 4.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Civic Centre

Contact: Pat Wood  023 8083 2413

No. Item


Welcome and apologies


The Chair welcomed members to the meeting and thanked them for coming. 


Apologies were received from:-

Group A   Rev Andy Mills, Margaret Blake, Gail Ratcliffe

Group B  Chris Pritchard

Group C  Jackie Meering, Ruth Evans

Group D  Councillor Paffey, Mrs K Martin

Others  Sian Roberts, Natasha Bye-Brooks



Statement from the Chair


The Chair referred briefly to the SACRE Annual Report stating that he would cover this in more detail later in the meeting.




The Chair advised the meeting that Ruth Evans was leaving SACRE due to other commitments and thanked her on behalf of SACRE and that Natasha Bye-Brooks was joining SACRE as an Observer.  Ros Wigley was welcomed to the meeting and it was noted that she would be filling the vacancy in Group B.


The Chair stated that he would investigate the possibility of Mrs Martin becoming a full member of SACRE, Group D, rather than a substitute.


Minutes of the Last Meeting including Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 54 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13th June 2011.


It was noted that there was a typographical error in the spelling of Jackie Meering and Tony Pascoe.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th June 2011 be approved and signed as a correct record.  (Copy of the Minutes circulated with the Agenda and appended to the signed Minutes).


Matters arising

The Chair stated that he had not had a response from central Government to his enquiry about the possible decommissioning of religious education but assured members that he would circulate any response when he received it.


Feedback and Updates on Events

To receive feedback and updates from all members of the SACRE.


David Vane reported that the Southampton Connect Plan 2011-2014 had been launched in early October.  He thought that this plan, which aimed to encourage collaborative working between city partners and which set out priorities and challenges for the City, had been well written and he would circulate it to members.


David Vane said that he would supply information to members about the Southampton One World Week Celebration 2011, to be held on Saturday 29th October 2011, and the World Interfaith Harmony Week.


Ratification of SACRE Constitution pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To ratify the SACRE constitution, as per paragraph 7.1, and make any recommendations for amendments to the Cabinet Member, attached.



The Chair reported that he had received a request to have substitutes for meetings should the nominated member not be able to attend from Groups A, B and C. Group D already had a nominated substitute. 


This matter was discussed amongst the members as to how it might work and it was thought to be too complicated to work satisfactorily. 


The Chair reported that he had also received a request to have a Humanist in Group A and asked the meeting for their views on this matter as SACRE already had a Humanist as a co-opted member.  Chris Robinson stated that this issue had incurred much debate in the past and suggested that no changes were made.


RESOLVED that the SACRE Constitution be ratified and that no changes be made – proposed by Tony Blackshaw and seconded by Ellen Humphries.


SACRE annual report

To receive a verbal report from the Chair detailing the work carried out by SACRE over the last year.


The Chair said that a significant amount of time during the last year had been taken up with work done for the Syllabus, which had now been finalised, and there were no other major issues to report.


Collective worship in schools

To discuss how collective worship can be monitored and promoted in schools.


The Chair stated that schools were expected to have some sort of Christian focus on a daily basis and asked how this could be monitored and promoted.


SACRE acknowledged that it was difficult for some schools to have whole school collective worship due to the numbers of children in attendance.  Some schools were imaginative and creative in this area and members considered it more important that the worship and enhancement of religious education was of good quality rather than the logistics about how it was achieved.


A discussion took place about how to monitor religious activities in schools and it was noted that Peter Howard and Chris Davis visited about half the schools in the City seeing religious education activity in those particular schools.  There was a suggestion of writing a questionnaire for schools, however the purpose of the questionnaire was discussed together with how to enforce remedial action should a school be falling short of what might be considered acceptable.  The Chair agreed to discuss this matter with Taz Curtis and bring a proposal to the next meeting.


Any other business

To address any other business which may arise at the meeting.


David Vane brought the “Education Conference – Interfaith in Schools in the City” to the attention of the members and stated that this would be held in March 2012 and he would arrange to send publicity material to SACRE in the New Year, via the Clerk to be circulated to members, with a request to contact him with any suggestions.


Tony Blackshaw stated that the new Bishop of Winchester, Tim Dakin, would be in post from April 2012.  He also reported that Lillian Weatherley, RE Advisor for Schools in Portsmouth and Winchester Dioceses, would be replaced by Judith Lowndes.