Agenda and minutes

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) - Monday, 11th June, 2012 4.00 pm

Venue: Cantell Maths & Computing College - Violet Road, Southampton SO16 3GJ. View directions

Contact: Pat Wood  023 8083 2302

No. Item


Election of Chair and Vice Chair


RESOLVED that Councillor Daunt be appointed as Chair for the 2012/13 Municipal Year and that David Vane, Buddhist (Group A member) be appointed Vice-Chair for the 2012/13 Municipal Year.


Welcome and Apologies


The Chair welcomed members to the meeting and thanked them for coming. 


Apologies were received from:-

Group A   Andy Mills

Group A  Gail Ratcliffe

Group B  Ros Wigley

Group C  David Parrott

Group D  Councillor Paffey

Group D  Kate Martin

Co-Opted  Chris Robinson

Observer  Natasha Bye-Brooks




The Chair reported that Jeff Lynn had left the Southampton area and that Elizabeth Jenkerson had agreed to be the Baha’i representative in Group A.  This was agreed by the meeting.  The Chair stated that he would write to thank Jeff Lynn.


The Chair reported that he was seeking new Members for some groups as the current Member did not attend meetings. 


The Chair further reported that Membership of SACRE was for four years and it had come to light that several members’ term of office had officially expired.  All members at the meeting agreed to serve another four year term and the Clerk was asked to write to those expired members not present to make the same inquiry.


Minutes of the Last Meeting including Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2012, attached.



RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 5th March 2012 be approved and signed as a correct record.  (Copy of the Minutes circulated with the Agenda and appended to the signed Minutes).


Matters Arising

The Chair commented on the issue raised regarding the short length of SACRE meetings and asked that Members contact him before future meetings with any further ideas for discussion.


Examination results were discussed as a possible topic for future meetings and it was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting when the current academic year’s results would be known.  The Chair stated that he would bring exam results from the last four years in order to show a trend.


Members considered it important to monitor RE results in Primary Schools and it was agreed that it would be useful to encourage Members to go into Primary Schools to see how RE is taught.  The Chair agreed to contact Margaret Elton, clerk of the Global School Governors meeting, to enquire if RE could be promoted at their meetings. 


Jackie Meering agreed to enquire about RE teaching on the east side of the city and Councillor Daunt agreed to enquire about the west side.


Sian Roberts stated that there was an RE Secondary Network Panel meeting scheduled for 19th June which SACRE Members would be welcome to attend  and that she would forward details to the Clerk for onward transmission to Members.


It was agreed that it would be useful if Councillor Bogle, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, attended SACRE meetings so that she would be able to raise SACRE’s point of view at Overview and Scrutiny Management meetings which incorporated various matters regarding children and young people.


Feedback on Events

To receive feedback and updates from all members of the SACRE.




David Vane reported that the recent Peace Walk had received a good attendance and that the Gandhi, King, Ikeda exhibition had also been very well received.  He stated that the next Peace Walk was scheduled for 16th June. 


Councillor Parnell reported that £25,000 had been given to the Street Pastor Initiative which had been passed to a new sub-group for Schools Pastors.  Cantell Maths and Computing College and Upper Shirley High Schools were two schools involved with Schools Pastors, which had received enthusiastic and positive feedback.


Margaret Blake reported that the Mark Drama had been very well attended with over 1000 people.


Collective Worship in Schools pdf icon PDF 5 MB

To discuss how collective worship can be promoted in schools, attached.



Members acknowledged that City Mission regularly went into schools and that  collective worship did take place in many ways in schools.  It was agreed that it would be useful for Members to see what happens at the City Mission events as these were being organised by non-teachers. Chris Davis stated that he would circulate the dates for the next half term when City Mission would be visiting schools. Several Members had expressed an interest in visiting schools to see what they do and it was considered important to stress to the school that it was only an information gathering exercise.


Jackie Meering stated that School Governors would know what Collective Worship arrangements were in place in their schools and all Governors were asked to enquire about what their school does and bring the information to the next SACRE meeting.  The Clerk was asked to send an email to request this information to all Members. 


The paper attached to the agenda entitled “Collective Worship in Schools” was considered to be a useful document and it was agreed that it was important to find the source document so that an updated version could possibly sent out via the Schools Newsletter which would be useful for Newly Qualified Teachers.  The Chair agreed to enquire of NASACRE if they had the whole document and Jackie Meering agreed to contact Judith Lownes.  It was agreed to bring this matter to a future meeting for approval.  Once an updated version had been approved at a SACRE meeting, it could be sent out to all schools.


Chris Davis explained that there was a group called “Your School – Southampton” which had a co-ordinator who knew what was happening in Collective Worship in schools.  This group would wish to give training and it was considered important that SACRE and the group liaise.


Faith Schools

To discuss Faith Schools in Southampton.



David Vane stated that a discussion had taken place at the Southampton Council of Faiths (SCOF) about having a mixed school for Muslim and non-Muslim children which had raised some concerns.  It was agreed that the Chair would ask Anas Al-Korj to make a presentation at the next meeting about the Muslim school, Fitrah SIPS.  Members had been offered an invitation to visit the school, with prior notice.


Members agreed that it was important to define the meaning and intention of a faith school. 


Future agenda items

To discuss future agenda items.


The meeting agreed that there were enough items for the next meeting but Members were encouraged to contact the Chair with ideas for the future.


Dates of Future Meetings

To consider and approve the meeting dates for 2012/13, set out below:


  • Monday 8th October 2012, 4 pm
  • Monday 4th March 2013, 4 pm
  • Monday 10th June 2013, 4 pm




The following dates were agreed:


Monday 8th October 2012, 4.00pm

Monday 4th March 2013, 4.00pm

Monday 10th June 2013, 4.00pm


Members stated that they preferred a venue with plenty of parking and it was agreed that Cantell Maths and Computing College was a convenient venue.  The Clerk was asked to book the College for the next three meetings.  


Any Other Business

To address any other business which may arise at the meeting.



Sian Roberts explained that she would be on sabbatical in the autumn for six months so would not be at SACRE meetings during that time.